New mandate for Zoran Dimov as President of IRU (2024 - 2028)

At the 12th Congress of the IRU, which was held on April 4 and 5 in Skopje, Republic of S.Macedonia, the current President Zoran Dimov was elected as the President of the IRU again with a four-year term by the IRU delegates and members.

The following have been elected as IRU Vice Presidents: Stefano Kuzicov (Sweden), Attila Stojka (Hungary), Punita Singh (India, Asia), Elisa Costa (Brazil, America), and Vice Presidents for Australia and the Russian Federation Artur Kvik will also be appointed soon.

President of the IRU Parliament: Admir Ismanovski (Denmark), Secretary General: Ramush Muarem, Treasurer: Veli Husein (Croatia), Marja Eronen: Advisor to the IRU Cabinet

Gheorghe Raducanu (Romania) - IRU Special Advisor on Political Strategy

High Commissioner: Karina Daminovska (Denmark), Daniela Zamanova (Slovakia) - Deputy High Commissioner, Commissioners: Sumi Yusuke - language and culture, Lucica Tudor (Romania) for religion, Petar Šchuka (Czech Republic) - economy Richard Langstrom - Finland, deputy Commissioner for Economy Sebihan Demirovski (Macedonia) Social Affairs Andris Tertates - Latvia Deputy Commissioner for Social Affairs Kemal Vural Tarlan (Turkey) Commissioner for Human Rights Zuhal Gezichir (Turkey) Deputy Commissioner for Human Rights. IRU women and program implementation: Milka Pompova - Slovakia, Maria Elena Andrich - Chile, Tula Akerlund - Finland, Meleci Renja - Albania, Marja Erone - Finland, Daniela Zemanova - Slovakia

Honorary IRU Presidents: Tore Jarl Bielenberg - Norway and Rishi Verandra - India

An IRU Board will be formed (which members will be appointed at the next IRU Parliament) and an IRU obdusman will be appointed.

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