Poprad, Slovakia: IRU President Zoran Dimov presented the IRU program during the working meeting of the Roma minority in Slovakia

Civic Institute - Mutual coexistence under the leadership of Amalia Pompova, who is also the President of the IRU Parliament, on May 31, 2024 in Poprad, in the Satel Hotel, an informal working meeting was held in which the President of the IRU, Zoran Dimov, participated.

The purpose of the informal working meeting was to name the real problems and cultural needs of the Roma minority in Slovakia and to exchange professional experiences attended by 20 participants from different regions of Slovakia, as well as from Prague, working in different areas - local self-government, education , social economy, social area, public administration, the informal working meeting was enriched by the president of IRU Zoran Dimov, who in his speech presented the international program of IRU, its structure and goals for the future.

At the same time, at this event, he awarded the official IRU Decrees to Amalija Pompova as the President of the IRU Parliament and to Julia Vesela, as Secretary General of the IRU Parliament, who were elected last month for the 12th Congress of the IRU in Skopje. This event is a great honor for Slovakia.

Otherwise, besides them, they also took part in this meeting: Amália Pompová, Julia Veselá, Ivan Mirga, Radko Tokár, Radoslav Gunár, Viktor Valk, Katarna Horváth, Benjamn Illéš, Štefan Mirga, Ivan Veselí, Petar Ščuka, Jana Ščuková, Jovan Bihari, Vladimir Putk, and others.

Concrete personal participation in solving specific problems of generational poverty, human rights, mutual coexistence with the majority and the overall development of the citizens of the Roma national minority in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The working group - Crisis Solutions Network in Slovakia was created to create model reform activities directly in the Roma settlements, because from the Roma settlements, some political parties created vote incubators with naive promises. Cooperation with the Government of Slovakia, with the individual Office of the Czech Government for Roma communities and with the Office of the Government of Slovakia for National Minorities is being prepared.

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