Vote for European Woman of the Year 2024, support Roma activist Almira Fazlji Muarem

Support Almira in the fight for the rights of Roma women! Go to the page of the European Delegation and click "like" on its photo!

Voting has started and will end on March 7, and a total of 7 women have been nominated by the European delegation in the race for the "European Woman of the Year" award.

Almira Fasljii Muarem is the coordinator of the "I want to know" Youth Center in Shuto Orizari. By profession, she is a journalist, but she has been an active member of the civil society for many years. Almira is focused on activism and fighting for the rights of Roma women, but also overcoming systemic problems and taboos in the local Roma community. It is proposed and supported by the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Republic of North Macedonia, Her Excellency Petra Drexler

Now is the chance to vote for the European Woman of the Year 2024

Vote for Almira, through or on their photos.

Voting ends March 7 at midnight. #EuropeanWoman2024 will receive her award on International Women's Day.

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