Roma for Democracy with the initiative "Good for Roma women, Good for the RNM Assembly"

In order to advance the democratic participation of Roma in society, to promote fair and democratic elections and to strengthen Roma voters, the Foundation Roma for Democracy submitted an Initiative to the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia entitled "Good for Roma women, Good for the Assembly of the RNM ".

With this initiative and through a debate, the Roma Foundation for Democracy presents its fundamental action for the empowerment and inclusion of Roma women in public and political life. "Despite more than three decades of a multi-party system and declarative commitments for the participation of minority groups in the public and political sphere, the conditions for the inclusion of approximately 50,000 Roma women have not been established despite the potential and quality that is possessed. This underutilization of their potential leads to greater marginalization and hinders the development of democratic governance," states the Initiative "Good for Roma Women, Good for the RNM Assembly".

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