
We need to talk about the rising wave of anti-Roma attacks in Europe

The Roma community is Europe’s largest and most persecuted minority. Since the arrival of their nomadic ancestors from the northern Indian subcontinent in the Middle Ages, Romani people have been subjected to intense periods of discrimination, from forced expulsions in the 16th century to Nazi genocide in Second World War.

Throughout Europe, antiziganist (anti-Roma) prejudice has lingered on largely unscathed to this day. But as hate crimes and attacks against the continent’s 10-12 million Romani inhabitants are on the rise, it becomes increasingly vital for us to tackle the issue and openly acknowledge its existence.

Far-right populism is gaining momentum across the west, and, unsurprisingly, it has been accompanied by an upsurge in attacks against Romani people. From France to Hungary, Roma communities and camps have been subjected to violence and threats. 

Only last month, the Council of Europe held a conference in Odessa where heads of Ukrainian, Moldavian and Slovakian police discussed ways to prevent antiziganist attacks. Italy in particular has seen an intense concentration of anti-Roma hate crimes over the last few months, largely perpetrated by a coalition of neo-fascist gangs and angered locals in the Roman suburbs. 


Italian PM wants to deport Roma, MEP Romeo Franz calls his behavior racism and the shame of Europe

Deutsche Welle reports that Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, an ultra-right populist,
instructed regional authorities this week to produce maps of what he called "illegal settlements" inhabited by Romani people around the country. The data is meant to serve as the basis for conducting his previously-announced "census" of the Roma.

That "census" is then meant to create the background material for the process of deporting all Roma who are not originally from Italy. German MEP Romeo Franz, who is himself of Romani origin, sharply objected to Salvini's current policies yesterday as racist.

"I am calling on the European Parliament to express itself in far stronger terms against antigypsyism and to take action against antigypsyists, including Salvini. His policy is an attack on European values, it is a disgrace for Europe, it is racism," the MEP said.

Berlin : Monument to murdered Sinti and Roma damaged

Unknown people in Berlin damaged the Sinti and Roma monument in Europe, killed by national socialism.

A large "A" was carved in a glass panel at the Simsveweg monument in the Grand Tiergarten, a police spokesman said on Sunday. The damage was discovered Tuesday night by police officers. The investigator was in charge of the State Police Criminal Investigation Department responsible for the politically motivated criminal police state security.

The monument in Tiergarten was inaugurated in autumn 2012. The design is Israeli artist Dani Caravan. It consists of a round well surface with a stone that can be pulled out, on which a fresh flower is placed on a daily basis.


The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance unites governments and experts to strengthen, advance and promote Holocaust education, research and remembrance and to uphold the commitments to the 29th January 2000 Stockholm Declaration.

The IHRA (formerly the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research, or ITF) was initiated in 1998 by former Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson. Today the IHRA’s membership consists of 33 member countries, each of whom recognizes that international political coordination is imperative to strengthen the moral commitment of societies and to combat growing Holocaust denial and antisemitism.

The IHRA’s network of trusted experts share their knowledge on early warning signs of present-day genocide and education on the Holocaust. This knowledge supports policymakers and educational multipliers in their efforts to develop effective curricula, and it informs government officials and NGOs active in global initiatives for genocide prevention.

Finland was elected a full member of the Intergovernmental IHRA in 2010.


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