Will Iraq’s new Prime Minister recognize Roma rights?

In early May 2020, Mustafa al-Kadhimi was appointed as Iraq’s new Prime Minister against the context of ongoing protests and popular discontent resulting from widespread government corruption. This corruption has contributed massively towards increasing poverty, reduction in public services and rising unemployment.


The effects of the sectarian conflict in Iraq have been widely reported on, but the media has remained largely silent on the dire situation of the Iraqi Roma. This lack of attention by the media is reflective of the neglect of the Roma of Iraq by the government, humanitarian and human rights organizations and largely speaking, civic society in general.


The complete lack of information produced by the Iraqi government on the Iraqi Roma is symptomatic of the de facto policies of ostracization and othering which have persisted since the formation of the Iraqi state in the 1920s. The number of Roma residents in Iraq, including the Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI), is unknown, but best estimates place the figure at nearly 200,000 – translating to roughly 0.5% of the Iraqi population.


Discrimination against the Roma of Iraq has taken on an institutional nature for decades. Because the government of the 1950s omitted the Roma from its 1957 census, which now forms the backbone of citizenship criteria through tracing of parental lineage, the Iraqi Roma have remained devoid of citizenship-based national identification documents to this day. This is despite the fact that they have been present in what is now Iraq for centuries.


Link: https://thenorwichradical.com/2020/06/01/will-iraqs-new-prime-minister-recognise-roma-rights/?fbclid=IwAR2vtWf_8E7Y1bOsa2fPwl354pjqAsp0nr7aXbw2PV5-mtSxoDtVHxK1CMg

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