On behalf of the Network for Sustainable and Systemic Solutions, a meeting was held between HZR "Mesecina" from Gostivar and the Minister of Interior Dr. Agim Nuhiu

On August 13 this year in Skopje was held a meeting between the Network for Sustainable and Systemic Solutions, presented through HZR "Mesecina” and the Minister of Interior, Dr. Agim Nuhiu

The main topic of the meeting was the Law on Unregistered Persons in the Birth Registry, as well as the sub-topic Rulebook on the form, content and manner of issuing an Identification Document for the form and the content of the Request for issuance of an identification document of a person registered in the special birth registry ( Official Gazette of RSM, No. 158 dated 15.06.2020)

One of the conclusions from this meeting was that the Ministry of Interior will make available its human and material capacity in every city and in every place where there is a need for assistance and legal obligation of the Ministry of Interior in working with persons not registered in the birth register. .

Pursuant to Article 10 item 6 of the Law on Unregistered Persons in the Birth Register, the Ministry of Interior, Articles 2 item 2 and Article 5 of the Rulebook on the form, content and manner of issuance of an Identification Document for the form and content of the Request for issuance of identification document of a person registered in the special birth register, the Ministry of Interior has at their disposal, printed:

 Requirements for issuing an identification document to a person registered in the special birth register and

Identification document

With all the above we are at the disposal of at least 750 people who are not registered in the birth register. That is why we together call on people who have a problem with birth registration to use the right offered by the Law on Unregistered Persons in the Birth Registry.

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