RDS: With the new position Directory for Roma Issues, results can be achieved, but only with real work and high engagement

Today, when we celebrate 29 years of independence from our country, one of the questions that arise is: Where is the Roma community here ?. The elections are over, the Government has been formed, some of the ministries have been restricted and among them one that has been intended for the Roma for decades - the Ministry without portfolio for the implementation of the Roma strategy.

In the new Government Scheme, this place is now replaced by a Directory. Who will lead that department is still unknown, but the fact is that most Roma parties and organizations, associations and the like. they are literally "fighting" over who will take that position.

RDS from the aspect of a long-term expert on the situation with the Roma community in the country together with the Network for Sustainable and Systemic Solutions composed of Roma NGOs and associations, repeatedly reacted and offered plans and strategies to state institutions (Government, ministries, parliament). Those strategies were essentially comprehensive, and made good analyzes, plan and program for their realization and implementation.

But what is here is. Now the new Directory gives a different chance for the realization of some of those plans. The opinion of RDS is that in order to resolve those issues related to the Roma community in the country, it is necessary to appoint a real person and a team that will work in the next period. At the same time, real engagement and sincere intentions are needed, without improvisations. A connection with all relevant factors is also needed to ask questions important to the Roma community. The focus of the work needs to be placed on the priority areas that will be proposed by organizations and associations, and not to represent some form of party agenda.

According to RDS, these are in the field of social, health, employment, housing and also the focus should be on the upcoming population census which is scheduled for 2021, to know the exact demographic picture in the country and no more room for manipulation and favoritism. of one and minimizing another community.

It is necessary for the future head of that directory to be accessible, transparent, and at the same time flexible and ready for cooperation with all parties. Because only in that way can results be achieved that will benefit the Roma community as a very important element.

Here is RDS and the Network for Systems Solutions with wide arms for cooperation with all parties. Finally, RDS mentions in this case that everyone is equal and no one wants to be underestimated, discredited and no one should be favored. It is about the nation and not about individuals or a group of people.


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