For 50 years he treated the poor for free and even gave money as a gift, and it is sad what the end was like

Muhammad Mashali, known as the "Doctor of the Poor", died on September 4, 2020. For five decades, this Egyptian doctor treated the poor for free, regardless of the patients' religious affiliation. He helped everyone whether he was a Muslim or a Coptic Christian.
And not only did he treat them for free in his modest office but he also often gave them money.
There were queues every day in front of his office, where he worked ten hours a day. Dr. Muhammad Mashali never had a car or a telephone. He walked from work to home even though he was 80 years old.
When one of the richest men in the region found out about his work, he gave him $ 20,000, a car and he moved, but a year after returning to Egypt, the rich man found out that the doctor even sold the car to help poor patients and bought a medical equipment.
When Muhammad Mashali graduated from the Cairo School of Medicine in 1967, he said why he sacrificed himself for the good of others.
- My father sacrificed his life to make me a doctor. "Then I promised God that I would not take a penny from the poor and that I would live a life in the service of my neighbors regardless of culture and religion," Mashali said.
Doctor Mashal, may you have eternal glory!


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