There is no place for Roma, Bosniaks, Vlachs, Serbs among the deputy ministers in the Macedonian government.

Nine Albanians, six Macedonians and two Turks are on the list of deputy ministers proposed by the government and should be elected by the Assembly.

Among the people from the so-called second echelon it is evident that there is no place for Roma, Bosniaks, Vlachs or Serbs, although as smaller communities they are about 7% of the total population in the country.

Only from the smaller communities, only the Turkish one has a proposal for two deputies. In Labor and Social Policy and in Political Systems Inter-Community Relations. They are Enver Hussein and Ilhan Rahman.

There has been speculation about the name from the Roma community, in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, but so far it has neither been confirmed nor disclosed.

The conclusion is that either the Roma political factor was not a worthy player to negotiate positions, or the government does not trust the Roma community. There is no third. After 17 years (from 2003 onwards) it happens that this with the Roma community has no representative in either the first or the second echelon of the Executive.

"Equal society for all." Super progress of the Roma community in Macedonia!

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