A segment of the published “Romology” from Rajko Djuric – The Roma in Germany

The German Government left a huge mark upon the lives of the Roma and the Sinti. Some of the titles of the decree, of which 148 were between 1500 and 1800, testify that the government did not treat them as humans at all. i.e. as part of the human race, instead as “birds”, insects, pests, etc. In the decree from September 4th in 1498, they were treated as “Wogelfrei” which means that they were out of any laws from that time period. This is described in great detail by the German historian Joachim S. Homan (1953-1999) and the writer Rimer Gilsenbach (1925-2001).

The historic sources date from this period, which lasted 447 years, marking all important events related to the life and destiny of the Roma. To put it in words, the Roma in Germany were deprived of all rights. As illustration, it would be useful to remind ourselves that almost all of the laws against the Roma were signed by the dignitaries and German kings. The “Father” of the protestant church in Germany, Martin Luther (1483-1546) and his devoted followers, which contributed a lot towards the anti-Semitism, “blessed” the anti-gypsysm and supported or incited a big amount of the measures against the Roma in Germany. Among the high level state authorities, we have to mention the imperator Maximilian I (1493-1519), the elector August von Saxenan (1553-1586), the elector Johan George II (1656-1680), king Ferdinand I (1531-1558), elector Vilheim, king Frederic I from Prusia (1701-1713), king Frederick II from Prusia (1730-1772). The analysis shows that this was a systematically organized action and armed injustice (which Aristotle considered to be the most horrible injustice), which was brought to them with bear hands, which is almost impossible to find within the analysis of the European history.

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