Herdelez and St. George's Day - difference

Herdelez was also celebrated by the Turks in our territories. They forget that the most important thing for a nation is ethnicity and it does not change from birth to the end of life, while religion can change every day.

Albanian peoples celebrate this holiday under the name SHINDERD. It was probably left to them from the previous Catholic faith, but they still celebrate it today.

Namely, Heatherles is the old name of Slava. It has been celebrated since the time of the MP Hz. Hizira (El Hader) and Hz. Ilyasa - Iiiia (Elez). And that is from the time of Hz. Musa (Moses) who lived around the 13th century BC. Isa (Jesus). The connection between H.z. Hizar (al-Hader) can be read in the Qur'an, Surah al-Kahf (66-82).

Namely, Hz. Hizir and Hz. Ilyas met once a year, on May 6, when spring begins, or as it was called the beginning of summer, because then, according to popular reports, only summer and winter were known. Hence, the Roma know only about the two seasons, summer (nilaj) and winter (jevend),

Heatherles is celebrated by all Muslims, while Christians also use the name St. George.

St. George, born in Turkey (Cappadocia) and a great Christian, did not want to persecute Christians, so he was tortured and eventually killed (beheaded) on April 23, 303, of course with the addition of 13 days to turn around. The Julian calendar in the Gregorian calendar, then this day comes on May 6th.

It is known that St. George 494 proclaimed a saint by Pope Galesius and has since been celebrated and considered the patron saint of states and cities (in Europe), profession and organization.

This above is a brief insight into St. George to see the difference between Heatherles and St. George's Day.

As we have seen, Heatherles is celebrated at least 17 centuries before St. George and every ceremony for water, grass, bathing, leaves, slaughtering sheep, fire, music, wrestling, rejoicing, prayer is an old tradition and should be distinguished.

slaughtering sheep, fire, music, wrestling, merriment, prayer is an old tradition and should be distinguished.

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