The Network for Systematic and Permanent Solutions seeks to immediately remove all derogatory words towards Roma from the Official Digital Dictionary of the Macedonian Language

The Advocacy Network for Systematic and Permanent Solutions for Roma Integration sends a public reaction on the occasion of the publication of the Official Digital Dictionary of the Macedonian Language for the use of offensive words against Roma.

We publicly ask the Institute for Macedonian Language "Krste Misirkov" to immediately remove all abusive words that insult the Roma.

All this happened when the Government of RSM promoted the web platform - digital version of the Interpretive Dictionary of the Macedonian language.

The Digital Interpretive Dictionary contains 100,000 words including Gypsy, Gypsy, Gypsy, Gypsy and Gypsy!

This new or digitized dictionary repeats the same mistake of existing dictionaries that need to be reformed.

Following the reactions on social media and the reaction of several Roma organizations, the RSM government responded appropriately to these criticisms and announced that these words would be removed from the dictionary.

The Institute for Macedonian Language understands the reactions of the Roma community and informs that the words will be removed from the "Interpretive Dictionary of the Macedonian Language".

The government welcomes the proactivity of the community.

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