A Berlin Wall in Ge Ge!

In the Macedonian geography of Macedonia (Northern), but also the wider meridians, the Roma are verbally obliged to be together, but in practice they constantly work, consciously or without it, for division and schisms. Our Balkan mentality is reflected in our society, but also in the politics. This reflections makes us enemies, it distances us, destroys us. What has been happening here for a long time? Those who work in politics, are with “calculators” in their pockets, before the elections, whoever they are.  But are they aware that with such behavior they are also damning themselves! To separate and put people in a “shadow” is a clear signal that you do not wish to see them! And tomorrow when elections come, you go back to those people that you don’t want to see, and ask for their votes!  How will that person be able to go that place and convince the people that if they vote for him, he will make it a better place to live in! How? By raising more “Berlin Walls”? Hypocrisy at its best! Instead of offering infrastructural solutions such as asphalting the roads, safety in traffic, speed bumps, a marked pedestrian zone, pedestrian crossing, etc. he decided to build a 3 meter high wall!

To top it all off are the comments from their first neighbors – non-Roma! It is enough to make a man sick from their malice which is flowing and coming out of them. Those are not neighbors or people! They are idiots and beasts! They declare themselves as human beings, living in buildings and houses, but their comments make it seem like they live in the wild – no-man’s land!

The Government and the opposition knows well that in a multicultural society such as ours, the problems are not solved by raising walls. The separations, hatred, segregation, discrimination…are not a part of the Strategy for one/equal society for all, on the contrary. Our society should tear down the interethnic walls, instead of building new ones! Even if the wall is not as big as the initial three meters, and is 1.75 meters. A wall is still a wall…

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