
Ko Šuto Orizari pandž kandidatia bašo dizjakoro šerutni thaj enja konsiliareskere liste

 Ko savato ko 11 septembro  2021 ko DIK agorkergja o roko te aplicirinel pe pi kandidatura dizjakere šerutnrnge thaj konsiliareskere liste ko Lokalno alusariba 2021.

Prekal o informacie taroo Komunakiri alusaribaskiri komisia tari komuna Šuto Orizari baši funkcia dizjakoro šerutno  ka oven pandž kandidatia.

Tari koalicia „Rom Romeske” legardi taro DSR thaj NPR kandidati si o Gege Demirovski. Tari politikani partia “evica” so kandidati o Tefik Mahmut. Tari Koalicia “Majlačhe mire komunake” legardi tari SDSM thaj i koalicia kandidati si o Asan Ferat. Kandidati tari Asociacia “Deciziaja bašo trampe” legardi taro LDP thaj DOM ka ovel o aktuelno dizujakoro šerutno Krto Duduš Kuco thaj sar kandidatu taro Demokratikani artia e Albancongiri ka ovel o Halid Iseini.

Ko jekh si aplicirime em enja konsiliareskere liste. Odola liste si taro o partie so profiliringje andidatia bašo dizjakoro šerutno thaj plus i partia SRN, DUI, Besa thaj i Alijansa er Albancongir thaj Alternativa-

Fakti si kaj ki Komna Šuto Orizari ka ovel ati aisaribaskiri sezona!

The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany H.E. Anke Holstein received the plaque for special contribution to the Roma community by the Network for Systemic and Sustainable Solutions

Due to the Coronavirus protocols and the ongoing pandemic, the German Ambassador H.E. Anke Holstein was recently awarded the Plaque for Special Contribution to the Roma Community by the Network for Systemic and Sustainable Solutions. This plaque was awarded on the occasion of April 8, International Roma Day, as well as the 50th anniversary of the First World Congress of the IRU. The plaque was given  by the Network Coordinator and also the current president of the IRU Zoran Dimov.
Ambassador Holstein thanked for this recognition and noted that Germany as a country will always strive to respect the rights of the Roma community both in our country and abroad. She also noted that as the German Ambassador to North Macedonia, it is important to bring the two countries and citizens closer and to support North Macedonia in the best possible way on its path to the European Union.

The Longest Road - Margareta Matache On The Persecution And Perseverance Of The Rom

Margareta Matache [mah-TAK-ye] is a Romani scholar and activist and an instructor at Harvard University’s François-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB) Center for Health and Human Rights. Born in Romania, she served as the executive director of Romani CRISS — the Roma Center for Social Intervention and Studies, a leading Romani-rights organization in her home country. The group’s advocacy work has documented hundreds of human-rights violations and argued in courts against the segregation of Romani children in schools. Matache, along with Jacqueline Bhabha and Caroline Elkins, is one of the editors of Time for Reparations: A Global Perspective, out this month, which documents historical injustices against not just the Roma and African Americans, but people in Guatemala, Indonesia, Jamaica, and elsewhere.


Kobor lokheste šaj sine te kerel pe atentati upral o presidento Pendarovski ko Dive taro Biathinalipa?

Akava 30 beršengoroo jubileo taro biathinalipa ki Utarali Makedonia sine organizorime aso zrale kovid protokolia o droma sine phanle o stolice sine čhivde ki distanca taro Lolo Krisi, sa dži ki Truumfalno Prota ko skopsko ploštadi. O makedonikano politikani učipe ko čekat e presidentea Pendarovski,o premieri Zaev, deputatia,  diplomatsko kor, biznismenia sine akate ko akava jubleo.

But policia, askeri, sekuriti sine hulavde ki trasa kote sine kerdi i Manifestacia o Dove taro Biathinalipa . Numa ko jekh momento sare sar te zasukje . Ki akaja manifestacia ulo jekh baro incidenti so te ovel sina akava ko javer thema “ka den pe sine urgentno ostavka” Kana valjani sine e Stevo Pendarovski te ovel le piro lafikeriba sine kerdo baro sekjuriti feleri, Ov kana gelo ki centralnno bina te kerel lafikeriba ko odova momenti uzal oleste nakhlja peske manuš ko velespiti (točako). Uzal o presidenti ko odova momenti na sine ni jekh manuš taro VIP sekjuriti  a valjani sine dži oleste te oven sine minimum ptar džene s ka keren leske sine sar arakhiba. Del pe pučiba sar manuš e velispitea reslja te nakhel odokhare barikade, policisko kontrole em te ikljol e velespitea ko čočo drum  anglal i bina em tromale te džal peske. Okola soo sine paše odothe em bešen sine ko VIP lože sar so si i amerikansko ambasadrka i Kejt Meri Brns olakoro sekjuriti kergja ko momenti kordoni upral olate daravipaja kaj šaj te kerel neko atentati upral o presidento e themake, Kana o velespiti nakhlja uzal o Pendarosvki but holjame reagiringja em o premieri Zaev em o Oliver Spasovski. Ov prekal o notacie uštilo ko pre em holjame dengja vika e sekjuritetenge ko odova than , em daravkergja olen kaj ka paldel olen tari buti majsiga  numa ka ovel sne sa džabe te kergja pe sine odoja da katastrofa odova dive kana uli i katastrofa ko Tetovo.


FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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