The late 19-year-old graduate Tony Sali did not have a birth certificate, the only proof that he existed was the great success in the testimonies

Graduate Tony Sali, who fought for a decade with the Registry Office to get a birth certificate and birth certificate, died yesterday at the age of 19. He did not wait to be registered somewhere in this country that he exists, that he is alive. His eight letters appeared for the first time yesterday, in the official records of the Ministry of Interior, but as a deceased person. Tony will not even receive an obituary. As if it did not exist. The only document and proof that he existed, will remain his fives from first to last, won domestic and international awards from competitions and certificates. Tony was born in Macedonia, in the Clinical Center "Mother Teresa", with an hour of time and place of birth. He had a living biological mother and father, ie. with all the fulfilled conditions to be registered in the Birth Register. Two years ago, Tony and his parents received free legal aid through Justice Minister Bojan Maricic. Lawyer Tamara Slaveska-Apostolovski fought the battle before the institutions, before the Registry Office, the Second Instance State Commission, the Administrative and Civil Court. He says that the country will continue to fill the folder with injustices that this country has done to Tony Sali before the European Court of Human Rights and Freedoms in Strasbourg. But Tony Sali is no longer alive to seek justice. As if it never existed.

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