The case of little Monika Karimanovic: Did the state of Serbia react in time?

Serbia and the region are still in limbo with the kidnapping of 12-year-old Monica Karimanovic from the Nis area. The main suspect is Ninoslav Jovanovic of Malcha, better known as the "Malchani Barber", who was released from prison in March this year.


For eight days now that Monica is gone, her parents and close friends still have no hope that she can be returned healthy and alive, but it is clear that there are many inconsistencies in this quest.


The whole case was immediately alerted via social networks by concerned parents and friends. Citizens themselves shared this information immediately. In that chaos the "calmest" were the state institutions and the police of Serbia as the competent institutions. Only after four or five days of disappearance did a more specific search begin, including 200 police and gendarmerie. Nowadays that number stands at 500 people involved, but was it worth the wait?


The same question should be asked of the large number of Roma organizations that have been "quietly" silent until such an "alert" was given by official media in Serbia and the region.

Literally parents and individual Roma activists were left alone in this quest for four-five days!

There were others who targeted this whole case as a case that little Monica might have "fled and got married" after she was a Roma and that the variant was the easiest.


This has proven that when it comes to Roma, the state of Serbia always has some more important priorities than Roma.

In this whole situation, even the President of the state, Aleksandar Vucic, fit into the gray notion that he is well aware of the details but would not want to disclose information.


Don't those Monica parents deserve more consolation from the state and institutions, and keep them in limbo.

Even the media has reconstructed the whole case and it is reported that this happened in just 4 minutes and 43 seconds.


Those fatal minutes were enough for an ordinary pedophile for eight days to hide and all the police not able to locate and discover, how to be the most professional war veteran and know how to hide. The fact is that there are a million shortcomings and inconsistencies. It is a fact that the state of Serbia Roma is not a top priority for them.

God forbid all is best and Monica healthy and lively to return to her loved ones. And then the Pandora's box will open, and where it made a mistake. And the national judicial institutions that released the Novica monster from prison in March and knowing the subject in question were released without any control, surveillance and surveillance with the chance to do it again, raping and assaulting underage children.


Who will bear that responsibility? In other countries, presidents, ministers are resigning, but brother this is Serbia this is the Balkans! It is an impossible mission in these areas!

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