Dajana Djuric - Roma chimney sweeper who brings happiness to people.

Dajana Djuric is 29 years old. He has been involved in chimneys since his ninth year, and after studying in Banja Luka he acquired the profession of environmentalist. Several years ago she was hired as a Roma affairs officer in the Brcko District Government.


Diana says she enjoys everything she does. Chimney swearing says she is her first love she will never give up, and at the same time finishes her job as a clerk and is also an activist in the Association

"Roma in action"


Last spring, her father Jadranko and BiH chimneys organized the first gathering of chimneys in Brcko, attended by over 60 chimneys from Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Italy, and then Diana attended the Santiago City Chimney Festival in Italy.

She plans to move to their community building next year where only one female chimney sweeper from Italy has so far.


She says she motivates the positive energy she carries within her and makes her share it with the people around her.

- I think I'm the one who brings happiness and I want to share it with people and see the smiles on their faces. That's why I'm also on the go to work and create, ”says Diana.


In addition to the chimney sweep, Diana selflessly spends her time on various activities in the Roma community, and with four other young activists she seeks to motivate Roma to educate and work.


Link: https://www.blic.rs/vesti/republika-srpska/donosim-srecu-i-zelim-da-je-podelim-ko-je-mlada-dimnjacarka-koja-stoji-iza-brcanske/2sbyq6d

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