
Brcko, BiH: Another fire in the Roma settlement of Prutaca in Brcko, the reasons for now are unknown

The Brcko police say the fire broke out on May 18 and firefighters surfaced and localized it on time.

For now, according to official information, the reason for this fire is known. According to the information, the fire occurred in the building number 28 in this settlement.

Luckily, in this fiery element, no casualties have been hurt. According to them, there is only material damage.

Otherwise, the application to the police arrived in the morning around 10:40 am, when several fire trucks were also on the ground for localization.

The fire was extinguished and placed under control and now the police are inspecting the site to determine the cause of the fire, said Halid Ekmic. head of the Operational Communication Center of the Brčko Distrikt in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Hear voices from Traveller communities in a creative response to the 2011 eviction from Dale Farm

On 19th October 2011, eighty Traveller families lost their 10 year legal battle for their homes. Dale Farm: The Eviction, explores this important event from the perspective of artists from different communities.

Artists from the Travelling community and elsewhere will present creative responses to the eviction, aiming to broaden the discussion about Dale Farm and acknowledge that not everyone backed or agreed with the eviction by the local authorities, which the UK government supported and in part financed.

Against a backdrop of negative media coverage and social media attacks on Traveller communities, this event also aims to be therapeutic for the Traveller artists’ and the community members impacted by the loss of their homes.

Well as visual art, performance, music and video, audiences will have the opportunity to view unique Traveller archival material from Grattan Puxon’s archive together with artefacts from Dale Farm, removed at the time of the eviction.


Is the time for the persecution of Roma waking up in Italy?

These days, as special information to the Web Portal, the Roma Times of the well-known Roma Roma Rights activist and Elizabeth Vivaldi arrived on information about events in Italy, in particular near the city of Napoli, where the Italian media seemed to want to be blinded.

In his information, Vivaldi personally told our journalist (from Ramush Muarem) that he felt the need to share this event and to get to know the public.

In fact, she remarks that the Italian Roma Committee deeply condemns the May 10 event when a camp in the Giugliano( Napoli)

Napoli, where there are over 800 people, including over 300 children who make up the most of the ex Yugoslavian people in the early morning hours with police reinforcements, began clearing and demolishing this camp without any warning or alternative accommodation.

According to her, this camp has been functioning for over 30 years. Throughout this period, they were spontaneously released on their own, despite the previous promises from the municipality of Giugliano that this space will be uničnicki solved.

Despite the 900,000 euro promised assistance, the municipality never took concrete steps, but on the contrary, it always made the camp's presidency, raids and harassment. The same thing happened again on the morning of 10 May, when more than 50 police officers arrived in the action to clear this area.

Now the Roma Committee reacts on the basis that the conditions and the actions were not human, without offering any alternative for their accommodation.

What will happen to these people for now does not have any explanation or solution.
Despite the Committee's request for a meeting with Mayor Giugliano there are no indications of holding that meeting.

Therefore, the following question is raised: "Is the time for the persecution of Roma woke up in Italy?

How Drugs Like Pervitin And Cocaine Fueled The Nazis’ Rise And Fall

Despite Hitler's anti-drug rhetoric, Nazi Germany used a little courage pill called Pervitin to take Europe by storm. It turns out it was pure methamphetamine.
Just before meeting with Benito Mussolini in the summer of 1943, Adolf Hitler was feeling seriously ill.

Still, he couldn’t ditch an Axis power meeting, and so Hitler’s personal physician injected the Führer with a drug called Eukodal — think oxycodone combined with cocaine — to perk him up.

The physician took a significant risk in doing so. After all, Hitler was prone to latching on to addictive substances and refusing to let go. But in this case, the injection seemed warranted: Hitler was doubled over with violent, spastic constipation, refusing to speak to anyone.

Hitler wasn’t alone in his use of Pervitin. Throughout that time period, everyone from German soldiers at the front lines to menopausal homemakers wolfed down Pervitin like candy.

Widespread drug use wasn’t exactly new in the country. A generation earlier, Germany was mired in large-scale drug use — that is, until Hitler rose to power in part on an anti-drug campaign. But when Hitler changed course and became an addict, the same fate befell many in his country.

By the outset of World War II, German soldiers were using Pervitin to help them storm and conquer much of Europe. The high eventually vanished, however. By the end of the war, when hubris had untethered the Nazis from reality, soldiers used drugs like Pervitin simply to survive.

Norman Ohler’s recently-published book, Blitzed: Drugs in Nazi Germany, tackles the role that drugs played in the Third Reich — and it’s overwhelming.


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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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