
If Hitler defeats, the main Nazi city of the world would look like this

The project started in 1937. A huge model was made, and entire parts of the city of Berlin were removed, at the same time as the Holocaust was planned. Hitler wanted to call Hitler's "Nazi dystopia" "Welthauptstadt Germania" and, in theory, was supposed to be ready in 1950.

Schaper already impressed Hitler with his work in Nuremberg, where he deliberately reinterpreted classical architecture in massive and many Nazi buildings designed to frighten and increase power.

The idea of ​​Sper and Hitler was to take all the monumental buildings, boulevards or sculptures that Europe has and make copies, only a few times larger. Most of those beauties would be the seven-kilometer long boulevard that best illustrated the size and power of Nazi Germany.

In the south there would be a triumphal gate, like the one in Paris, only six times larger. To the north, the boulevard would open to the ice for holding parades.


The Roma, victims of poisoning, should be compensated for their damages

The UN special rapporteur on toxic substances, Bashkut Tunchak, said yesterday that the Kosovo Roma who were exposed to lead poison while living in UN camps for displaced persons near the Trepca mines complex near Mitrovica should to pay them damages.

"About 600 members of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities between 1999 and 2013 were placed in camps built on land that was known to have been contaminated with lead.

Half of them were children under the age of 14, "Tunchak said in a statement after a meeting with Roma families who were victims of lead poisoning.

The UN's human rights advisory body in 2016 found that this organization is responsible for the victims and recommended that the UN pay damages.
However, the UN refused to accept responsibility and refused to pay damages to victims.

Instead, they decided to establish a fund to fund "assistance projects", through which the Roma community will be supported in its entirety. So far, this fund has not received any funds.



Increasing hatred for Roma and Sinti: Violence towards them has increased by 54 percent

The number of anti-Roma sentiment has increased. Most of them are done by right-wing movements, but the interior ministry is soothing.

Last year it rose by just under 54% compared to 2017.

This stems from the Federal Ministry of the Interior's response to a request from the leftist faction.

According to this, in the national statistics for politically motivated crime, 63 acts will be assigned to the sub-measure "Anti- gypsym disorder" for 2018.

In the previous year there were 41 acts. Intolerance and criminal acts against Roma and Sinti were recorded only separately from 2017.

Almost all attacks, the Ministry of the Interior, from the aspect of "right". Five cases could not be clearly assigned.

Of 36 suspects, 32 belong to right-wing extremist groups. Slightly more than half of the works written last year are under the misdemeanor.

Among them are six bodily injuries. Over the average number of acts were carried out in Berlin, it is about 12 acts.



Protests in Zagreb because of the Roma population

Residents of the Petrusevac's Zagreb neighborhood took to the streets in protest. They expressed their dissatisfaction over the move of 30 Roma families from the settlements Novi Yelkovac, and Plinar settlement in the buildings of their neighborhood where the city of Zagreb bought them for the Roma.

Protestants carried banners where "Take them for yourself", "Come on, not only in Petrusevac", "Do not create a ghetto in our settlement" and "Mayor, we are not in your city, you are only temporary mayor".

Otherwise, the Roma families from Novi Jelkovac and the Plinic settlement will soon be moving into the new building in the Petrusevac neighborhood, Croatian media are reported.

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