
Roma Holocaust: Amid rising hate, 'forgotten' victims remembered

New London exhibition includes harrowing Nazi directives and testimony from persecuted Roma and Sinti minorities.

Margarethe Kraus was just a teenager in 1943 when she was deported from her home in Czechoslovakia to Auschwitz.

While imprisoned in the concentration camp, she endured extreme maltreatment and was subject to medical experiments.

She survived the Holocaust. Her parents did not.

They were among the 250,000 to 500,000 Roma and Sinti people - between 25 and 50 percent of the minority's entire population in Europe at the time - murdered by Nazis and their collaborators during the second world war. 

Kraus's story features in a new exhibition at London's Wiener Holocaust Library.


Exhibition "Roma" by Quesак Leonard

Photographer Quesak Leonard was born in Paris 1909 and died in L'Escala 1994

This written and photographic documentary about his life and his time through the eyes of a Roma woman will break through the visitor's heart, sparking a universe of hyper-realistic beauty that sometimes immerses you in innocence and another cruel and ruthless drama.

This objective alchemist has the talent to place the spectator himself on stage, to be part of a whole and to live every picture through his eyes.

He marries Rosario Amaya, his muse and his queen, the mother of his children. She is a Catalan Roma and the son of a wealthy French family.

This story about their love and to show that someone "different" in this case the Roma is the same blood flows through the veins.

She is in his eyes his Queen.







Austria: On this day in 1944, 800 Roma children are gassed at Auschwitz

During the Holocaust, it wasn’t just the Jews who suffered at the hands at the Nazis although they bore the brunt of the racism and extermination at the hands of the Germans and their allies during World War II. The Gypsies were also persecuted during the reign of Hitler and his henchmen.
The Nazis at their death camp at Auschwitz gassed 800 children including over 100 boys between the ages of 9-14 on this day. How did this ever be allowed to happen?

The Gypsy people were hated by the Nazis, the definition of what constituted a Gypsy to the Nazis was often the same as what constituted a Jew in the racist writings of the Third Reich. As early as 1937, the roundup of Gypsies was beginning in Germany.

The Germans did little to conceal their murderous plans. In 1937, Dr. Robert Ritter, a racist with a medical degree gave a presentation in Paris on what would be the racial definition of Gypsies as the Reich considered Gypsies “asocial.” In December of 1937, Heinrich Himmler issued a decree that provided grounds to arrest people, not for committing crimes but for being “asocial”.


Camp Auschwitz

The Auschwitz-Birkenau camp was the largest Nazi concentration camp for mass destruction.

It was located in the south of Poland. 50 km west of Krakow and 286 km from Warsaw.

It got its name from the nearby town of Osveta (in German Auschwitz).

After the German occupation of Poland in September 1939, Osweta merged with Germany and the name was changed to Auschwitz

The Auschwitz concentration camp deported 1.3 million people from various parts of Europe.

Most of the casualties were killed as they arrived at the Auschwitz II gas chambers using the B gas cyclone.

The others died of systematic starvation, forced labor, shooting and medical experiments. Among the victims were 19,000 Roma who were killed in July 1944.

Camp commander Rudolf Hess told a trial in Nienberg that up to 2.5 million people were killed in Auschwitz.

UNESCO declared this camp in 1979 a World Heritage Site under the name "Auschwitz-Birkenau - German Nazi death camp"

Otherwise the camp was liberated by the 322nd Red Army Division on January 27, 1945. The camp found 348,820 male suits and 836,255 females belonging to the victims,

Auschwitz Liberation Day January 27 is also proclaimed as "International Holocaust Remembrance Day"

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