
Tensions between Ukrainians and Roma in the Czech Republic

Clashes between the local Roma and Ukrainian refugees are increasingly being registered in the Czech Republic. Two isolated violent incidents led to large-scale anti-Ukrainian Roma demonstrations

"Ukrainians, go home!" "This is our country!" "We demand security!" These slogans were shouted recently by hundreds of protesters on the streets of the Czech city of Pardubice. Czech Roma have protested loudly against Ukrainian refugees because they feel increasingly threatened and marginalized.

Earlier, there was a fight between two dozen Ukrainians and members of the Czech Roma minority in the city with 100,000 inhabitants in the central Czech Republic. The police arrested three men, one Roma was transferred to the hospital with a knife wound. The video footage of the knife attack went viral on social media.

The situation in the Roma community has been tense since mid-June. Then a young Roma in Brno was killed by a Ukrainian in a similar quarrel. And in that case there was a knife attack. "The attacker was a Ukrainian who was disturbed by the loud music of young Roma people on the tram," the portal reported.

Justice Minister Pawel Blazek, however, criticized the protesters for not reporting their protest to the authorities, thus violating the Law on Assemblies. "Participation in a protest and calls to come to a demonstration are illegal. The constitution and the law must apply to everyone, both the majority and the minorities," the minister said via Twitter.





Přerov, Czech Republic: Hundreds of Romani people peacefully protest outside police station, demanding investigation of assault on a little girl, police are investigating

More than 100 Romani people arrived a few days ago in front of the police station in Přerov, Czech Republic and peacefully asked officers to receive a report of a crime from the mother of a little girl who was allegedly threatened that afternoon by two other children using a knife. According to the Romani community members, the children who assaulted the little girl are from Ukraine.

According to the police spokesperson, the police have been investigating the case since yesterday afternoon. “Two or three kids assaulted the little girl and allegedly waved a knife at her. She became afraid and began shouting. Other guys who were there stood up for her and then they all began to run away,” local Romani community member Ivan Kandráč described the incident to news server The girl’s mother went to the police and wanted to file a crime report, but according to her, the policewoman who dealt with her allegedly belittled the entire situation. According to Kandráč, the communication of the police with the mother was unprofessional.


80 years since the massacre of the Roma from the village of Šuchurova in Poland

On July 3, 1943, German gendarmes and soldiers from the navy appeared in Shchurova. Along with them came the German gendarme Engelbert Guzdek, who was the main executor of the tragic events. Almost the entire Roma community living in Ščurova was killed.

The photo shows a wedding in the Polish village of Szczurova, where Roma families lived peacefully with their neighbors for many generations and married into agricultural families. In 1943, German troops surrounded the village and rounded up 94 Roma men, women and children. They were taken to the local cemetery and executed.

Did you know that more than 200 massacres of Polish Roma and Sinti have been discovered in the territory of the former General Government of occupied Poland alone, and that there were probably many more? ... that the first monument in honor of the genocide of the European Roma was erected in Shchurova in 1966? It remained the only such monument in all of Europe for almost thirty years.


Nish, Serbia: Was the Uskovic Family a Victim of Discrimination?

Discrimination can be manifested in various areas of social life.

Discrimination can be done by anyone, a counter worker in the city administration, a public authority, a judge, a doctor, a teacher, a policeman. It can happen anywhere - at work, at school, at the university, in a hospital, at a stadium, in proceedings before a public authority, in court, in public transport, on the street...

Discrimination can be direct or indirect, intentional or committed out of ignorance. Forms of discrimination are direct and indirect discrimination, as well as violation of the principle of equal rights and obligations, calling for responsibility, association for the purpose of discrimination, hate speech, harassment, humiliating treatment and sexual and gender harassment, segregation, as well as incitement to discrimination. It can happen that someone commits an act of discrimination against another person or group of persons, without even being aware of it.

If Miljan Usković was a victim of discrimination, see for yourself and the percentages...





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