
How active were the two Roma MPs Amdi Bajram and Samka Ibraimovski on the parliamentary stage?

The Member of Parliament shall have the right and the duty to attend the sessions of the Assembly and to participate in the work and decision-making.


For this engagement, given in direct elections by the citizens, the MP receives a net salary, also from the citizens, in the amount of about 1200 euros, or about 60 thousand euros during one term. But how many of them honor these obligations?


That is why everybody, even those who rarely appear in the Parliament, regularly raise their MPs 'salaries every month, secured by the citizens' money.


According to the "My MP" report no. 22 for the period July - December 2019, the Roma MPs were present at the parliamentary sessions of the two Roma MPs, Amdi Bajram and Samka Ibraimovski.


In the period July-December 2019, the MP Amdi Bajram was present 37 times, justified absent 12 times and unjustified 6 times. Otherwise he went out and asked parliamentary questions 6 times


The MP Samka Ibraimovski was present for 55 sessions without leave in the same period. Otherwise he has come up twice with regard to parliamentary questions.

Romani people in Syria

The Domari-speaking (or rather, historically speaking) community in Syria, commonly identified as Dom and Nawar (and simply "gypsies" in English), is estimated to number 100–250,000 or 250–300,000 people. 


The vast majority is sedentary. There are semi-nomadic groups, some moving outside the country. In Aleppo, the Dom community is probably the largest, while they are reported to live in Damascus, Homs and Latakeh as well. 


The community is highly marginalised in society, and they are referred to as Qurbāṭ (ʾərbāṭ in Aleppo) and Qarač in the northern part, and Nawar (widely used in the Levant) elsewhere. 


These terms are used for various groups that mainly share socio-economic profile. The community is divided into clans.


The Domari are believed to have migrated from India via Persia. They seem to have been an Indian nomadic caste specializing in metalwork and entertainment. The language is Indo-Aryan, closely related to Central Indian and Northwest Indian


The Dom language (Domari) in the Middle East is known as Nawari. Domari shows Turkic, Kurdish and Arabic influence. There has been a language shift into Arabic.


The exonym "Nawar" could be used sometimes offensively, denoting a contemptible and immoral lifestyle associating them with beggars, itinerants, and thieves.

Soros awards billions of dollars for a network of universities, and funds for Roma students

Hungarian-American investor and philanthropist George Soros plans to donate billions of dollars to universities to bolster democracy and educate marginalized communities.


Soros has pledged it on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, wishing to use the funds linked to the existing network of universities around the world, and responding to global warming, political trends and protest activities.


"Last year, the most powerful forces, the United States, China and Russia, remained in the hands of potential and current doctors, and the number of authoritarian governments is growing," said the 89-year-old billionaire.


The funds will also be used for students from marginalized communities, including the large European Roma community, Soros said.

Former President of the German Football Association (DFB) Felix Lineman sends hundreds of people to Auschwitz

The Football Association of Germany (DFB) has said former President Felix Lineman is directly responsible for sending hundreds of people to the Auschwitz death camp where they were killed.


The alliance stated Linneman, who served as president from 1925 to 1945. he was directly involved in the registration of the Roma as head of the Hanover Criminal Police Control Center, which was a preliminary phase of their deportation to Auschwitz.


Monday marks 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz, and the German Football Association is promoting and supporting the Holocaust Remembrance Day.


"This year marks the suffering of more than 20,000 Roma killed in Auschwitz and we feel special responsibility towards that population," said DFB President Fritz Keller.


Link: http://www.zurnal.rs/fudbal/velika-petorka/92014/bivsi-predsednik-fs-nemacke-poslao-nekoliko-stotina-ljudi-u-ausvic?lang=lat

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