
German government approves dual citizenship law, immigrants will be entitled to German citizenship after five years of residence

German Interior Minister Nancy Fesser said at a press conference that the proposed law would simplify the naturalization process and allow for dual or multiple citizenships for immigrants.

Under the proposed law, immigrants would be entitled to German citizenship after five years of residence in the country, instead of the previous eight years.

For foreigners who have demonstrated exceptional academic or professional achievements and speak the language well, this period will be reduced to three years.

The law would allow immigrants to hold dual or multiple citizenships, which is currently not possible for most of them.

Children of foreign parents born in Germany will be able to obtain German citizenship if at least one parent has lived legally in the country for at least five years. These children will be able to keep the citizenship of their parents.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has repeatedly stated that speeding up the naturalization process, allowing multiple citizenships for immigrants, will improve integration, social and political participation.

The proposed law needs to be approved by parliament and is expected to be debated in the Bundestag after the summer recess.

Kosovo Roma Gazmen Salijevic, dismissed from the post of Deputy Minister of Communities and Returns by Prime Minister Albin Kurti

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti fired Gazmen Salijevic, the Deputy Minister of Communities and Returns. Why? Salijevic, who represented Roma from regions with a Serbian majority. Prime Minister Kurti was considered pro-Serbian. However, the situation becomes absurd when his replacement is a Serb favorite of Kurti, making Salijevic appear more "pro-Serbian" than the Serb who succeeded him.

Meanwhile, high-level negotiations on the role of Serbs in Kosovo's institutions are led by the EU and the US. But who defends the interests of Roma and their representatives like Gazmen in these discussions? Did the Serbs and Serbia reciprocate the loyalty shown by Kosovo's pro-Serbian Roma? Did the Albanians and Kosovo recognize the contributions and loyalty of their pro-Albanian Roma alliance

These circumstances highlight a critical issue: the Roma in Kosovo are torn between the Serbs and the Albanians. So who or what can unite Kosovo's Roma towards a distinctly pro-Roma agenda - one that is for their interests and their future.

A few days ago, Gazmen Salijevic announced on his FB profile: "Dear friends, I would like to inform you that today I have been dismissed from the position of Deputy Minister of Communities and Return." I will not say much about the government and the people who lead it, except that they have never shown any real interest in solving the Roma problem. Roma living in most Serbian municipalities are never seen as citizens of this society. but this should not break us, but strengthen us in the fight for the rights and interests of the Roma."

The European Parliament approved visa liberalization with Kosovo

Citizens of Kosovo should be able to enter the European Union without a visa in the future. Such plans received support from the European Parliament today (April 18).

The approval of the visa-free regime by the MEPs is an important step on the way to closer cooperation between Pristina and the EU, said MEP Theis Rutten, who led the European Parliament team in the negotiations on the new rules for entry into the Union.

According to the plans, by the end of next year at the latest, Kosovars should be able to stay in EU member states twice a year for 90 days without a visa. The same rule applies to EU citizens who want to travel to Kosovo.

The European Parliament and the Council of the EU reached an agreement in principle on this issue back in December, and the EP has now given its formal consent. Kosovo is the only one of the six countries from the Western Balkans that still does not benefit from a visa-free regime with the EU.

In December, the government of Kosovo officially submitted a request to join the EU. The accession process is likely to be long and complicated. EU members Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Romania and Slovakia, as well as Serbia, refuse to recognize Kosovo's independence. Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in 2008, but is still considered a breakaway territory by Belgrade.

Young Roma people: Committee of EU Ministers issues recommendation to ensure their participation

The Committee of Ministers in EU recommends including systematically and explicitly the needs and priorities voiced by young Roma people in all policies, standards and programmes that impact them; assessing policies and democratic structures with the aim of redesigning them to ensure Roma youth’s effective participation, representation and inclusion. Combatting all forms and manifestations of structural anti-Roma racism and antigypsyism and their impact on Roma youth participation are necessary conditions to ensure young Roma people’s full and effective access to and fulfilment of all fundamental human rights and freedoms; including free and non-discriminatory access to quality education, training and employment opportunities for all young Roma people. 

The Committee of Ministers also recommends supporting and strengthening the capacity of Roma youth-led organisations, groups and initiatives and Roma youth-focused organisations and youth centres as spaces for exercising citizenship, promoting youth work and non-formal education/learning and for expressing and fostering their cultural identity, language, and history.  

All policies, measures and programmes related to this recommendation should respect the diversity of Roma communities addressing, in particular, the intersectional discrimination faced by Roma girls, Roma women, LGBTI+ Roma, Muslim Roma and young Roma people living in isolated and rural communities.  

Civil society, including mainstream youth councils and organisations, should be invited to contribute to the implementation and evaluation of this recommendation. The implementation of the recommendation will be examined every five years after its adoption.

Link: https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/-/young-roma-people-committee-of-ministers-issues-recommendation-to-ensure-their-participation%C2%A0?fbclid=IwAR22kTBuu8kUdnj3Jd28Wl77lYS9nun9pPk4iY8dP4_j_PAKcOaZ8G9yAYA







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