
Old Roma customs: A proposal

Among Roma, it is customary for girls to be asked - "Proposal", and this custom is followed by many necessary actions.

The word "proposal" alone does not say much about this custom, so here is its somewhat extended description. When parents decide that their son is ready for marriage, they first ask if there are any girls who could marry. Who will find out about them, asking which of them is the prettiest and fairest. For Roma, it is important for girls to have light skin, so that their pride is as high as possible.

Because when a Roma woman has white skin and long black hair, that means she is beautiful. And when such a matchmaker becomes someone's daughter-in-law, that is a great pride, first of all for her parents, then for the boy she married, and especially for the house she came to. That's where the sayings came from: Si ma čhori, parni sar rakhlori, or Si ma bori, parni sar rakhlori. (I have a daughter, white as non-Romani, or: I have a daughter-in-law, white as non-Romani.).

Whoever finds such a girl, they will propose, regardless of whether the person who proposes knows her parents. Whoever arrives in front of the house where the girl is, they usually start the conversation by saying: Good evening host! We heard that you have a girlfriend to cuddle with, so that's why we came. Those words give him the knowledge of the owners of the houses that touch and what they want. If the owner thinks that his daughter is fit for pampering, invite him home. On the contrary, let them know that his daughter is still small and that he does not want a person who intends to propose to the house.



Half a month since the death of 10-year-old Ananadi from Zenica, and the parents still do not know the truth of what caused her death

It was announced in the media that on Sunday, January 15, 2023, in the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo, ten-year-old Ananadi Šuvalić died, who was taken by her parents and placed in the Public Institution "Family Home" in Zenica.

The parents of the girl Ananda Shuvalic confirmed that she died in the Zenica Cantonal Hospital.

Father Ismet and mother Almasa blame the Center for Social Work Zenica for everything.

I just want them to be held accountable for this. Because they were keepers. They took away our child and my child died. If he had been with us, nothing would have happened to him - Ananda's parents told the Black Chronicle portal.

Medical examinations showed that it was meningitis, which affected the area of the eye and the head, because of which the unfortunate girl could not be saved. In the previous days, the girl complained of a headache and vomiting, as well as an elevated temperature that did not exceed 38 degrees. At the first examination, the doctors found that the child has a red swelling in the area of the right eye. The girl still complained that her upper jaw hurt.

Medical tests showed that it was meningitis.

The deceased ten-year-old girl's father was Ismet Tahirovic, mother Almas Shuvalic, two sisters and three brothers.





Does anyone protect the rights of the Roma in the FBiH Parliament?

No one is talking about changes that would go in the direction of real protection of national minorities. This can be achieved relatively easily, for example, by introducing an obligation for a maximum number of minority members in this club or by introducing a minimum number for certain minorities.

Despite the fact that High Representative Christian Schmidt recently increased the number of delegates in the House of Peoples of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Roma will still not be represented in this body.

The House of Peoples is the most important body in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the protection of national interests, both of the three constituent nations and of national minorities.

Even so, the rights of Roma as the largest national minority will not be protected through this House, simply because there will be no Roma in it again, although there is a Club of "Others".

The European Commission has called on member states to review their national strategies for the Roma

The problems of anti-Gypsyism, anti-Roma racism, segregation and discrimination in the EU still exist, said Commissioner Daly.

The European Commission adopted the evaluation of the national strategies for the Roma, which is part of its plan for the period 2020-2030. when it comes to equality, inclusion and participation of Roma in the EU.

In October 2020, the Commission presented a ten-year plan to improve the living conditions of Roma in the EU and support their integration into society. The new strategic framework takes the same holistic approach as before, but has been expanded to include equity, inclusion and participation.

Unlike the previous rounds of enlargement, the integration of the Roma is one of the conditions that the candidate countries have to fulfill for joining the EU.

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