
Why is the Yugoslav Auschwitz Pavilion empty?

The successor states cannot agree on how the Holocaust should be represented in Yugoslavia


Between September 1941 and August 1944, more than 20,000 people from the territory of Yugoslavia, which was then occupied by the Nazis, were transported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.


Fewer than a hundred, mostly political prisoners or partisans, have survived this concentration camp.


In 1960, countries whose citizens were deported to this camp were given special pavilions to set up "national exhibitions".

The Yugoslav National Exhibition opened in 1963.


The violent death of Yugoslavia during the 1991-1999 series of wars completely changed the public remembrance of World War II and the Holocaust in the new states created by the breakup of Yugoslavia.


The genuine, extensive and devastating Holocaust of Yugoslav Jews and Roma remained at the extreme margins of public memory.


The Auschwitz Memorial Museum still holds the site of the former Yugoslavian pavilion, with the hope that a joint exhibition will be set up.

Every third family in Macedonia cannot pay their bills

Macedonian households top the list of financial problems to pay for overhead costs.


Every third household in the country cannot pay its utility bills regularly.


The European Statistical Bureau Eurostat has estimated that almost 37% or 209,000 households have a financial problem paying regularly for electricity, heating and water.


Greece has the biggest problem with overhead payments from EU member states.


There, almost 36% have no money to pay regularly, followed by Bulgarians, with 30%, and Croats, with 17.5% of households having had a problem in the last 12 months with overhead.


Residents of the Netherlands, Austria, the Czech Republic and Sweden have almost no such problem. There, only 2 percent of households cannot pay their bills regularly.


According to a Eurostat survey, at EU level, almost 7% of households have a problem with regular payments.


Минатиот викенд во Бујановац на местото Гилански пат, избувна голем пожар каде до темел изгоре куќата на семесјтвото на Даринка Куртеш, а причината беше најверојатно електричната инсталација. За среќа жртви немаше но предиѕвикана е голема материјална штета. Ромите од Бујановац брзо реагираа и се организираа преку социјалните мрежи за собирање на парични средства за да му се помогне на ова семесјтво. Тие контактираа Роми поголемиот дел од дијаспората. Планот е од собраните средства да се изгради нов дом за ова семејство. Тоа подразбира и покуќнина која сосема изгоре во големиот оган. Според информациите од неофицијални извори до сега се собрани околу 10.000 евра ,м а акцијата продолжува и понатаму.

Last weekend in Bujanovac at Gilanski pat, a large fire broke out where the house of Darinka Kurtesh's family burned down and the cause was most likely the electrical installation.
Fortunately there were no casualties but great damage was caused.

Roma from Bujanovac responded quickly and organized themselves through social networks to raise funds to help this family.
They contacted Roma for most of the diaspora.

The plan is to raise funds to build a new home for this family. It also includes furniture that was completely burned in the big fire.
According to unofficial sources, about 10,000 euros have been raised so far, and the action continues.


Suto Orizari Women Initiative asks: Will women from Suto Orizari be left without a gynecologist again?

On 22.01.2020, prior to the practice of Dr. Vjolce Mbjara, we received a notification that the practice was relocated to another municipality, in the settlement of Singelic. Dr. Vjolce's practice in Suto Orizari is currently closed.

We ask the Minister of Health, Mr. Venko Filipce, is there a solution for this burning problem? Is there a new contract with another gynecologist working in the municipality? If not, we warn of the adverse effects on the reproductive health of Roma women. We also remind that infant mortality among the Roma population is significantly higher than that of the non-Roma population.

We, the women of Suto Orizari, appeal to the competent institutions - the Ministry of Health and the Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of Northern Macedonia to find a solution to overcome this long-standing problem.
Like all women, we, Romani women, have the right to equal and unhindered access to reproductive health services, according to the Shuto Orizari Women's Initiative response.

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