
R. North Macedonia: The Roma must receive equal opportunities for advancement and integration in the society, said Shaphaska

The Minister for Labor and Social Policy Jagoda Shaphaska attended the online forum for the Western Balkans: Dialogue on a high level for the socio-economic impact of the pandemic upon the vulnerable Roma from Western Balkan and Turkey. The Co-organizers of the forum are the European Commission, World Bank, Council of Europe and UNDP, and was attended by representatives of these institutions and ministers from the countries from Western Balkan. Sahphaska as stated by the resource ministry, stated that the Government and the Ministry for Labor and Social Policy have a joint goal – equal society for all. All of the measures and each policy is created in the direction to enable an equal opportunity for all, with a special emphasis on the most vulnerable categories of citizens, such as the Roma, with a goal to gain equal opportunities for advancement and integration in the society.

- The Roma are part of all governmental measures which were brought on in order to pull through the crisis which is caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. More so, with the last fifth package of anti-crisis measures predict financial aid for Rome entrepreneurs through the creation of the “Matching Fund for Roma Entrepreneurship”. The value of this measure is 123 million Denars for 2021, and most of all it is intended for micro and small companies which are facing risks in their work. Also, the intention is that a huge part of this vulnerable category of citizens to receive financial help in order to formalize their act, said Shaphaska.


Do we need to wear face masks out in the open?

We’re already used to see each other with face masks while passing by on the street or in the park, but what does science have to say about this? Is that truly necessary?

cientists have already learned a lot about the SARS-CoV-2 Virus since the beginning of the global pandemic, and now they know that the surfaces are not such an important factor in the spread of the disease and that the over disinfection is not necessary and is a waste of time and spending resources.

However, we also know that the virus is primarily spreading through aerosols, small particles which remain in the air for some time, oppose to the big droplets which are expelled from us through sneezing and coughing and quickly fall on the ground. This means that staying outside is much safer than being in a closed space, says Jose Luis Jimenez, leading aerosol expert in the University of Colorado. That is why we must wear masks in closed spaces.

Serbia – Boris Milicevic, Deputy Minister for Human and Minority Rights: “The Roma taught me to not hate!”

Boris Milicevic, Deputy Minister for Human and Minority Rights in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, recently published on his Twitter profile a text whose content got attention and he presented his story of his hard and difficult childhood where he grew up in an orphan family. He speaks about the kid of Roma nationality, Aco, whom he lived with together, and with his help he succeeded to survive the hardest period in his life as he said. Milicevic, on twitter wrote that it was hard to live everyday getting beat up for even the smallest mishap from his then guardians in a village not far away from Belgrade. He shared those struggles together with his friend, Aco the Roma boy who was like a brother to him.

-“I was lucky enough, in all of this misfortune while living with this guardian family near Belgrade to live together with another orphan, Aco, he was 1 year older than me.  We were like brothers. I don’t know where Aco is today, but I am forever grateful for protecting me from everyone, for instilling the love in me towards the Roma as well as the other people, and for showing me that we’re all equal, the same.


Link: ROM KOJI ME JE NAUČIO DA NE MRZIM Pomoćnik ministra o odrastanju u hraniteljskoj porodici, svakodnevnim BATINAMA i "sreći u nesreći"

Brus, Serbia: Police brutality towards a Roma bot

The Roma center for women and children “Daje” announced that recently upon the arrest of a Roma boy in the police station in Brus, the boy was abused and at the end of it all, lost consciousness. It is about D.V (16) from Brus, in the south of Serbia. The “Daja” announcement says that he was transferred to the local hospital with an ambulance in an unconscious state. Now they demand that the inner control to make an investigation for this incident and that someone needs to be held responsible for abusing their power over a minor child. According to his father D.V suffers from epilepsy and that he now fears that this trauma will only worsen his medical state.



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