
Defamatory humor towards ethnic groups is not just a joke

Defamatory humor towards ethnic groups is not just a joke, but a chauvinistic incitement to prejudice and negative stereotypes. Just as sexist jokes and sketches about "blondes" insult women's intelligence, so distasteful jokes and sketches about Roma, Vlachs or Albanians insult, hurt and belittle entire ethnic groups.

In terms of racial grounds for hate speech, the Roma ethnic group is particularly susceptible, for which by creating stereotypes are created preconditions for dehumanization of the same, ie for building an image of a racially inferior group, which is often one of the main reasons for violence and humiliation. In this context, we offer a few examples: Tweets about members of the Roma community are published very rarely and may have elements of hate speech, although their purpose is humor. Most often they refer to stealing, unhygienic, lying and the like.

There are even sites that systematically and systematically place content with racial connotations that provoke hate speech. This is how you can find pages where you can read jokes about "blacks" and "gypsies". Such is the site MKDwarez (see topic), or (see

Zoran Dimov and Shenaj Osmanov guests at the Morning Briefing: The pen is our weapon, we need an institutional fight for the rights of the Roma - we do not solve anything if we pretend to be "Sandokan" via FB

Residents of the Kocani settlement "Trajanovo trlo" beat a 10-year-old child (Roma) for alleged theft (it is not known what was stolen). Immediately after the event, certain portals reported that on April 11, this year, around 9 pm, there was a physical fight between residents of the settlement "Trajanovo Trlo" in Kocani and a group of thieves - Roma, during which several people were injured. However, none of those media mentioned the video of the beating of a child and why there was actually a physical fight.

Zoran Dimov, President of the IRU and Shenaj Osmanov, Director of the Association for the Rights of the Roma Stip both members of the System for Sustainable Solutions Network were guests at the Morning Briefing.

- There was no need to get to the point where the child was abused. The child was to buy cigarettes. This incident is only because the Roma do not like them. They do not want to live there in community with the Roma population. "We know that about twenty people have been detained, but we do not know against whom criminal charges have been filed," Osmanov said.

- Incidents are becoming more frequent throughout Macedonia. This is not an incident just to say that it is among the youth. This is a man to be horrified - nine people beating a child. I do not know why UNICEF, Megjashi, Helsinki do not come up with their own position? Roma political parties seem to be still asleep. But there is another dimension. The child is from a neglected family. The father should not play Sandokan through FB that he will kill. If he was a big man, he should have taken care of his child.



BiH: Dalila Ahmetovic - “Every day I will be a Roma, I will be a positive example and I will be a human being”

Fifty years have passed since 1971 and to summarize the fiftieth anniversary, where are the Roma - men and women in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Where are we now? What has changed in these 50 years. I look optimistically and compare my life with the life of my grandparents. Not bad at all when I remember their stories. Women did not go to school. Here is the progress, I am educated. At this point, while comparing this, like this, in this way I am both sad and happy at the same time. I am really lucky to have a house, water, electricity, a job.

I have nothing to celebrate, even though I sound negative, pessimistic, that's right. To celebrate children who do not go to school, who beg, girls forced into marriage, unemployment, daily survival, discrimination, Roma men and women who do not have health insurance, hospitals that do not treat, the unavailability of vaccines for us.

Today, many will share our beautiful flag on their social networks, proudly pointing out that they are Roma men and women, that is wonderful. But why only this day. Let's celebrate every day.

I want to celebrate this day in my own way, not just on April 8, but every day. Take a small step every day, win.

Every day I will be a Roma, an activist, to influence others, to be a positive example, to help others, to be human.



The Ministry of Interior filed criminal charges for violence against a child against 9 people, but also established the identity of the person who threatened residents of Trajanovo Trlo with a gun and a knife

Regarding the case of violence against a child in Kocani, for which there is a recorded material that is shared on social networks, OVR Kocani informs the public that in coordination with the Public Prosecutor's Office Kocani a criminal charge will be filed for the crime "violence against a child", and nine persons have been identified, with whom an official interview has been conducted and after documenting the case, criminal charges will be filed.

Regarding the video that is shared on the social networks, and which is seen as a person with a gun and a knife poses serious threats, SIA Stip informs the public that immediate measures have been taken to determine the identity of the person from the video, and it has been determined that it is about AI (36) from Kocani, father of the child. From the undertaken operative measures it has been learned that A.I. is not on the territory of the Republic of Northern Macedonia and measures and activities are being taken to secure it.

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