
Knorr has announced a change in the name of the sauce due to its racist connotation

The new decision follows a series of international discussions on racism, especially in the United States, where big companies have changed some of their traditional product names due to racial stereotypes. One of the largest German food companies "Knorr" announced that it will change the name of the popular hot "Zigeuner sauce" due to its racist connotation, according to the German media. The new name of this sauce is "Pepper sauce the Hungarian way"

It has been announced that this sauce product will appear in a few weeks with the new name in German stores and markets. In addition to this product, during the discussion there was an opportunity to change the name of a Viennese salt maker from the company Kelly's wants to rename its product named "Gypsy Bicycle". From the end of August, that product will be sold as "Circus Wheels".

About nationalism: Nationalism is, above all, paranoia. Collective and individual paranoia

Nationalism, above all, is paranoia. Collective and individual paranoia. As a collective paranoia, it is a consequence of envy and fear, and above all, a consequence of the loss of individual consciousness; therefore, collective paranoia is nothing but a set of individual paranoia. It is easy for the nationalist, he knows, or thinks he knows, his values, his national or the values ​​of the nation to which he belongs, ethical and political, and for the others he is not interested, he is not interested, the others are hell ( other nations, other tribes). They do not even need to be checked. The nationalist in others sees only himself - nationalists. The position is comfortable. Fear and envy. Nationalism lives on from relativism. There are no general values, aesthetic, ethical, etc. There are only relative. And in that sense, first of all, nationalism is a setback. You just have to be better than your brother or half-brother, and the rest I do not care. This is what we call fear. The others even have the right to reach us, to overtake us, we are not interested in that. "It is disgusting and unworthy of me to have a soul controlled by geography." Charles de Gaulle - "Patriotism is when you put love for your people first, nationalism is when your hatred for other people is primary."

How did some of the world's capitals get their names?

The first thing that is needed when building a new city is to give it a name. Every choice is good although some cities seem to have a more successful future than others. For example, the capital of Chechnya - Grozny, which in Russian means "Terrible". The roots go back to the name of the colonial fortress that the emperor founded in Chechnya in the early 19th century, and today has a population of 271,000 people. It is a name that certainly reflects the horrific history of Grozny: from the massive genocidal deportations of Stalin and Putin's murderous war to force it back into Russian orbit. But it is not a kind of identity that attracts new citizens or investors. Tel Aviv was founded in 1909 by several refugees displaced by European pogroms. They gathered on the beach outside Jaffa, made plans to build their homes, and gave the land a Hebrew name. Istanbul was formerly known as Constantinople, and before that Byzantium was the capital of three different empires. It is shaped by preserved fragments of the Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman civilizations that built it. Although the founder of modern Turkey, Kemal Ataturk, was born on the territory of present-day Greece, he chose Ankara as the capital of European Turkey, instead of Istanbul, a city created from almost nothing. He insisted on the name Istanbul, although for most of the rest of the world he continued to call it Constantinople.

In Slavic languages ​​it is known as Constantinople, a name still used in Bulgaria. Iceland also has its own name for Istanbul, dating back to the 11th century, when they simply called it the "Big City". As early as 1930, the Turkish Post refused to deliver mail addressed to any other version of the name. the city of Istanbul.

Совет на Европа: Расизмот и ксенофобијата како шокантна реалност во Европа

Најновиот извештај на независното експертско тела против расизмот и нетолеранцијата при Советот на Европа наводува дека "Ромите, муслиманите, Евреите и црнците" се долгогодишна мета на предрасуди, дискриминација, ксенофибична реторика и насилство во Европа.


"Ксенофобичниот национализам многу често и понатаму го прикажува Исламот како религија која је туѓа национална култура и идентитет на други држави членки на ЕУ.

Антимуслиманската реторика кон муслиманите кои  имаат обележја на својата религија, а дополнително ја влошува состојбата посебно кај муслиманската жена„ се вели во извештајот.


Исто така се наведуваат и екстремни облици на насилство над Ромите засновен врз бојата на кожата и социјална маргинализација.


Оценка е дека се поголемата социјална и економска несигурност меѓу Европјаните, а тоа ја зголемува и нетрпеливоста од страна на ултранационалистичките и националистички партии во некои земји.

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