
An employee of the Leskovac Red Cross said: "Who will go to the gypsy settlements now, who will now deal with the Gypsies!

In front of the 29th session of the Emergency Situations Headquarters in the city of Leskovac, the Secretary of the Red Cross of this city Dragan Velickovic talked to his colleague. complained of the action by the Serbian Red Cross regarding the distribution of humanitarian packages for Roma in Leskovac and the Jablanica region. In his conversation, he named the Roma "Gypsies" and continued in the jargon: "Who will now go to the gypsy settlements, who will now deal with the Gypsies!".


But he did not notice that journalist and editor Zoran Saitovic, who is of Roma nationality, was sitting next to him.

Journalist Saitovic asked Velickovic to give him information on the number and manner of distribution of those packages, to which Velickovic reacted violently and began to insult the journalist on a personal and family basis.


After the meeting, Velickovic literally left the building without any answer or explanation.


The editorial staff of ROMinfomedia will inform the Association of Journalists about this incident and the attack on the journalist, and will file a lawsuit against Dragan Velickovic with the Civil Rights Defender.



Despite a blocked account, PCER is looking for a lobby to receive state funding to fund the party.

Eight years ago, TV BTR Nacional initiated a lawsuit against the PCER party for demanding funds for an unpaid political campaign by PCER to the TV station BTR Nacional. During that period, BTR TV, as a medium, launched a paid political campaign for PCER and its leader, Samka Ibraimovski.


But PCER as a party did not pay the required funds according to the agreement in the amount of about 280,000 denars. After the opening of a dispute between the legal entity TV BTR and the PCER party, the account was blocked and an executive decision was made.


On two occasions due to the party's funding to be able to survive and organize its own Congress, the legal entity TV BTR agreed to unblock the PCER account in order to be able to receive funds but also to make part of the payment on TV BTR and part of the enforcement costs. In both cases, the PCER did not do so and the PCER account was blocked again.


But now an unofficial letter has been received by BTR TV from his lawyer that a judge from Tetovo in a special procedure has allegedly made a decision to unblock the PCER account so that he can receive the funds allocated by the state to finance political parties, including PCER.


Whether this really happened, according to the information from BTR TV, will be known soon when it opens a case for this moment. Is the Ministry of Justice, the State Audit Office, the PRO and other institutions aware of this act?


Is there an internal lobby, or is the PCER account still blocked, according to information received from the legal entity of BTR TV - Nacional.

Хуманитарен ифтар на Давет

Хуманитарнатот здружение Давет од почетокот на Рамазанскиот пост преку своите донатори ја спроведуваат акцијата хуманитарен ифтар. Тое во овие денови спроведоа повеќе пати ифтарски вечери за најзагрозената категорија луѓе за време на Рамазан

Токму вчера во Кампот за бегалци во Визбегово, здружението Давет заедно со своите донатори и помагатели ја спроведе аскцијата поделба на ифтарски пакети.

Тие велат дека акцијата ќе ја спроведуваат и понатаму и ќе продолжат со поделба на инфтарски пакети на луѓе од социјален ризик.

Воедно давет испраќа голема благодарност до сите свои донатори и помагатели

Dr. Kon: "I would personally receive the vaccine after the third stage of the examination, but not to be given on the day"

"I would personally receive a vaccine after the third stage of testing," said epidemiologist Predrag Kon, who said vaccination was not necessary for children in this case.


- There are stages of testing for each vaccine and it is a very thorough preparation. No vaccine should be given without safety. When all the stages of the clinical trial are over, we can talk. "After the initial application, when it is applied to a larger sample, it is monitored to see if there is anything suspicious."


The epidemiologist noted that it is difficult for the majority of the population to accept it without testing and stages of vaccine preparation.


For example, I would agree to receive it, but after the third phase of the examination. - said the expert


Also, as the doctor said, vaccination will not be mandatory for children.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

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„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

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