
Angleder duj thaj pobuter masekoa muli i terni Melania Mešiž i avgo romani čhaj studenti ko universiteto ko Split

Ko 6 avgusti akava berš ko 26 berša muli i terni Melania. Oj muli taro pharo nasvalipa- leukemia. Oj đi ko agorutne momentia na huljarel sine piro asando muj numa o badani našti sine te ikerel akava pharo nasvalipa.

I Melanija sine optismitičko čhaj . Sine avgo romani lhaj so hramosargja studie ko splitsko universiteto – ekonomia.

Salde so hramosargja pe ko fakulteti palo jekh berš havgja kaj si nasvali taro pharo nasvalipa . Tegani olakoro phureder phral transplatacijaja ko rateskere matično kletke manglja te kerel majlungo olakoro dživdipa . I leukemia palem irangja pe em astargja la o nasvalipa.

Trujal akava nasvalipa oj palem dela sine o ispitia ko fakulteti, sikljovel sine korejsko čhib khelel sine hip hop thaj aver aktivitetia.

Oj pakjala sine kaj dđi ko ple triandato berša ka ovel sasti đuvli.

Vakerela sine: „Oja darava numa em but pakjava ko akala doktoria kaj sium ko šukar vasta“

Numa bibahtake  o terno thaj optimistikano duuho našavgja o maripa mujal akava nasvalipa thaj muli ko 6 avgusti. Lokhi ti phuv to hrabro romnie.



I Eleonora Mustafovska thaj olakoro rom phravgje lipar apartmani baši Esma Teodosievska Ređepova ko Brisel

I zamenička giljavutni e Esmakiri  i Eleonora Mustafovska barabutne pe romea o Olivier Boni phravgje lipar apartmani ko Brisel sar respekto primal I Esma thaj o Stevo . Olengiri organizacia  “ESMA- CARREFOUR DE CULTURES”, so sine šerutno organizatori akale performanseske sine len ko plani te prezentirinen akava proekti ko pobuter dizja ki Europa.

O Simeon Atanasov so si jekh taro čhave tari Esma thaj o Stevo so bajrakergjele em sine menađeri đi ko agor e đivdipaske tari Esma sine inicijatori akale proekteske.

-Bare čalipaja informirinava kaj ko Brisel ko jekhto oktomvri ka phravel pea kava lipar apartmani  e bare artsitonge thaj humanistia I Esma thaj o Stevo Teodosievski. Ki akaja idea motiviringja ma miro načalipa taro akava momentalno legaripa ki miri them so na sikavgja nisavo interesi bašo o muzei tari Esma thaj o Stevo so ola kergje le ki Makedonia.

-Miri idea nane te ovel sine realiteti bizo o baro suporto taro o rajo Olivier Boni thaj oleskiri romni I Eleonora Mustafovska . Olengiri organizacia “ESMA- CARREFOUR DE CULTURES”,so si šerutno organizatori akale performanseske si la ko plani te kerel prezentacia akale proektoske ko pobuter dizja ki Europa – vakerel o Atanasov.

Vakerel kaj ko Brisel taro 1 đi ko 15 oktomvri ka oven eksponirime fotografie, nekobor fustania so I esma legarel len sine ko koncertia, nakit o agorutno lil taro autori o Slave Katin thaj aver bukja.



Czech Spolu (Together) coalition: Education is the path to better integration of Roma, "inadaptables" don't want to conform

The path to better integration of disadvantaged groups, including Romani people, is high-quality education. That is the message of the Spolu (Together) coalition's response to interview questions sent by news server

According to Spolu, the correct path is, for example, that of awarding scholarships to Romani high school and college students. "Positive motivation could contribute to more young Romani students striving for the better future that a quality education can provide them. There are already many Romani men and women today in this society who are successful lawyers, physicians, musicians, teachers or architects," said Spolu representatives - but they refused to distance themselves from the use of the "inadaptable" label, which in their view refers to those who have not adapted their behavior and life philosophy to the customs and values of the majority society, and who don't even want to do so.



Czech authorities to introduce one-time path to debt forgiveness starting this month

The Czech state will be forgiving the interest that has been charged on debt, attorney's fees related to debt, or penalties charged in relation to debt, all of which are referred to as "accessory charges" to debt, for debtors involved in collections proceedings where the creditor is a public institution, on the condition that the debtor pay off the principal for the original debt to the collections agent in full between 28 October 2021 and 28 January 2022. The measure, called "Summer of Mercy", was adopted by Parliament in July and will allow creditors to access the revenue owed from bad debts and allow debtors to repay debts that they have failed to repay due to the high cost of the accessory charges. 

Tens of thousands of people will have a chance of returning to life as normal again if they manage to resolve their debt. The phrase "Summer of Mercy" references a concept mentioned in the Bible. 



FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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