Šutka NEWS

Skopje remembers: Exactly 60 years ago, the city was hit by a devastating earthquake

On this day - July 26, 1963, the people of Skopje woke up to the greatest natural disaster that befell the city. At 5:17 a.m., the ground beneath Skopje shook with a magnitude of 6.1 on the Richter scale.

The earthquake left behind ruins, claimed 1,070 lives, and injured around 3,000 people. Over 200,000 residents were left homeless. But it also turned Skopje into a city of solidarity – humanitarian aid for the reconstruction of the city arrived from all sides.

And the United Nations took actions to plan and long-term to help the devastated city. On September 23, 1963, 35 countries asked the General Assembly to put on the agenda of its session an item for taking measures on the occasion of the earthquake in Skopje. Later, on September 27, the General Assembly gave priority to the international action to provide aid to Skopje.

On October 14, the General Assembly of the United Nations unanimously adopted a Resolution to provide assistance to the Yugoslav government in the reconstruction of Skopje, expressing regret for the great disaster. In the debate on providing aid to Skopje, the General Assembly listened to the presentation of representatives from over 20 countries from all continents. That day remained in the annals of the United Nations as the day of Skopje.

Today, the 60th anniversary of the earthquake in the capital will be marked with a series of activities in several locations throughout Skopje, and below we highlight some photos from July 26, 1963.

Suana Zekir is the first Romani woman in the IT sector as a graduate engineer - department of computer systems and networks

These days, on his FB profile, Suana Zekir's older brother - Burhan Zekir, who is himself a master of information sciences majoring in computer systems and networks with an average of 8.64, announced that he is proud of his sister, who successfully defended her bachelor's thesis on: "Intelligent systems and their application in neuromarketing and neuropsychology".

Seha, she obtained the title of Bachelor of Engineering - Department of Computer Systems and Networks

Suana Zekir is actually the first Roma woman with that title in the IT sector.

The very success of the brother and sister in the future will be a motive for the younger ones to follow their path, and so only with education they can contribute much more both for themselves and for breaking stereotypes of the Roma and the Roma community.

Once again, Suana Zekir, congratulations and much success in your further professional career.


The subsidy for the replacement of asbestos roofs with energy-efficient roofs for socially disadvantaged categories of citizens has begun

The city of Skopje announced the public call for the awarding of individual subsidies to socially endangered categories of citizens, residents of the city of Skopje, for the replacement of asbestos roofs with energy efficient roofs for 2023.

The funds that the City of Skopje subsidizes are in the amount of a maximum of 50% of the value of the investment.

The right to participate in the Public Call has socially endangered categories of citizens, residents of the city of Skopje, who will replace asbestos roofs with energy efficient roofs, meet the conditions of the Public Call and have submitted the necessary documentation.

In order to reimburse part of the costs and prove that the conditions for participation in the Public Call are met, the applicant is obliged to submit a completed application, proof that he belongs to one of the socially endangered categories, a notarized statement, a property deed, a photo of the existing asbestos roof, a contract with a roof replacement contractor as well as a copy of a transaction bill.

The public call with all the conditions and criteria for applying for the subsidy, as well as all the necessary documents that must be submitted with the application, are available at the link – https://skopje.gov.mk/media/9809/javen-povik-zamena-azbestni-krovovi-2023.pdf

Applicants submit the necessary documentation to the Commission through the Archives of the City of Skopje (baraka 16) in a sealed envelope marked: To the Department for Environmental Protection - Commission for Allocation of Subsidies for the Replacement of Asbestos Roofs, every working day from Monday to Friday. in the period from 08:30 to 15:00.

The public call will last from the day of publication until August 31, 2023 or until the funds provided for that purpose are exhausted.


Public call for subsidizing the citizens of the city of Skopje for more economical forms of heating - high-efficiency inverter air conditioners for heating for 2023

The city of Skopje, in order to stimulate the residents of the city of Skopje (households) to use high-efficiency inverter air conditioners for heating their homes, which are more economical, energy efficient and environmentally friendly, to residents who have purchased a high-efficiency inverter air conditioner in 2023 will reimburse them for the costs incurred during the purchase of the device up to 20,000.00 denars in net amount per household.

The public call will last until the exhaustion of the foreseen financial resources from the Budget of the City of Skopje for 2023 for this purpose or as of November 1, 2023, depending on which condition occurs first. If all the planned financial resources from the Budget of the City of Skopje for this purpose are exhausted, the City of Skopje will inform the public on its website that the Public Call has been terminated before the end of the period for which it was announced. The public call will be implemented according to the order of application, that is, according to the date and time of application and after the sent confirmation of the delivered furnace. Right to participate in the Public Call: Residents of the city of Skopje (in the municipalities: Aerodrom, Gazi Baba, Kisela Voda, Karposh, Chair, Shuto Orizari, Centar, Gjorce Petrov, Butel and Saraj) have the right to participate in the Public Call. have purchased a high-efficiency inverter air conditioner for heating their household (residential building) in the period from 01.01.2023 until the end of the Public Call and will submit a request for reimbursement of costs. Two or more households living at the same address according to their ID card have the right to participate in the Public Call, only with attached proof that they are separate households (bills for different electricity meters or with different property documents).

Link: https://skopje.gov.mk/mk/apliciraj/subvencii/


FaLang translation system by Faboba

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„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

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