Šutka NEWS

The citizens of Shuto Orizari, forgotten by JSP, have been waiting for a bus for an hour

Do the city of Skopje and the Public Transport Company Skopje have heard about the people from Shuto Orizari? Every day the same picture and the same problems. They promised that the problem would be solved, but they fell short of their promises. Ever since the morning rushes, nervousness, pushing, crowding.

Instead of carrying themselves to the workplace like any normal person, with positive energy, the atmosphere is on the verge of conflict.

  We wait for hours for the bus and when it stops at the station, hardly anyone gets on, and instead of 50, there are 100 or more people inside.

Pushing, squeezing, so that a person cannot take air. Luche with paid monthly tickets are often forced to take alternative transport to reach the city. They pay an extra amount of money to taxi drivers,

  And the problem is not only in the morning hours, it is also during the whole day. We are waiting for an hour for transportation.

Is there a solution to this chaos and the irregular bus lines 19 and 20.

There is, but the city of Skopje and JSP do not seem to care about the citizens of Shuto Orizari.

"Empty practices without family doctors in Shuto Orizari"

After eight months of operation, the family doctor's office of PZU Nikob Medikal, in the Health Center - Skopje Shuto Orizari, is closed. Namely, from 01.08.2022, without any notification and registration, the family doctor's office does not work. The doctor was hired by PZU Nikob Medical, and with 169 registered patients who chose her as their family doctor. After the doctor's departure, these patients are faced with a huge problem: they cannot choose a family doctor, because the other family doctors in the The health center - Skopje Shuto Orizaricannot accept them due to a large number of patients. Part of the patients cannot prescribe the regular chronic therapy as well as the necessary analyzes and examinations related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

We found out about this when a patient of the doctor called for an examination for sick leave, but could not regulate it because the office is closed and there is no active registration with the family doctor. This further worsened the situation at the workplace where he was before his dismissal.

In order to find out the situation with the practice, we sent requests for access to public information to: The health center - Skopje PZU Nikob Medikal and the Health Insurance Fund.

As a response from PZU NIKOB MEDICAL, we received that the reason the doctor left was that she had only 169 patients, a small and insufficient number for a family doctor. The large costs and expenses in terms of equipment, space and staff were also cited as reasons for the departure. as well as that they were generated

After receiving a response from PZU NIKOV MEDICAL, we found out that the doctor has concluded an employment contract with PZU Nikob Medical from May 28, 2022. The reason for the closure is that large costs and expenses were generated in terms of space, equipment and staff. Despite the expectations that a large number of patients need a family doctor in general medicine, only 169 patients were registered at NIKOB MEDICAL Skopje PHU in the premises of the Health Center in Shuto Orizari.

We received a response from the Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of North Macedonia (FZORSM) that the doctor has concluded a contract with PZU NIKOB MEDICAL from 22.09.2021 to 31.12.2026. The termination of the doctor's employment with an effective date of August 5, 2022 has been determined by the Fund's Database, with the reason of an amicable termination of employment. With the same date, all patients who have chosen her as their family doctor will be registered.

The health center - Skopje Shuto Orizari answered us that they do not have any data and that the owner of that information is exclusively the legal entity PZU NIKOB MEDICAL. They informed us that The health center - Skopje Shuto Orizari, as a provider of space for the performance of healthcare activities, will continue to publish advertisements for the issuance of general medicine offices in the mentioned polyclinic, with the aim of smooth, continuous development of the activity and improvement of the health status of the citizens from this municipality.

According to our field information from the community, we have information that during this period, although a small number of patients have chosen the family doctor as their family doctor, they state that they turned to the practice and were rejected due to "collegiality".

At the same time, we remind the Ministry of Health and the competent institutions that the outpatient clinic in Shuto Orizari needs family doctors' offices and systemic and permanent solutions together with the Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of North Macedonia to introduce changes in the valuation of the capitation point and additional favorable motivational financial resources for new concessionaires where they are lacking.

It is necessary for Zdravstven dom - Skopje to immediately and urgently appoint a manager for management in Shuto Orizari!

Family doctors should be accessible to everyone, otherwise the residents of the Shuto Orizari municipality will face risky consequences for their health, and an equal, proportional territorial distribution of family doctors is needed!


Society Initiative for Women's Rights by Shuto Orizari


Link: https://24vakti.mk/%d0%bf%d1%80%d0%b0%d0%b7%d0%bd%d0%b8-%d0%be%d1%80%d0%b4%d0%b8%d0%bd%d0%b0%d1%86%d0%b8%d0%b8-%d0%b1%d0%b5%d0%b7-%d0%bc%d0%b0%d1%82%d0%b8%d1%87%d0%bd%d0%b8-%d0%bb%d0%b5%d0%ba%d0%b0%d1%80%d0%b8/

The vaccine caravan "left" from Suto Orizari

With a visit to Suto Orizari, the caravan for vaccination against covid-19 started yesterday, which in the next two weeks will cover 14 municipalities across the country. The event was attended by the Minister of Health, Bekim Sally, together with the US Ambassador, Kate Burns, the UNICEF Representative, Patricia DiGovanni, as well as representatives of the WHO and USAID.

- We are bringing the vaccination closer to the citizens who have not been vaccinated yet, closer to the place of residence, with precise time and location, according to a pre-made schedule. In each of these places, the citizens, in addition to the opportunity to be immunized, can also be informed about the benefits of immunization against covid-19 - said Minister Sally. All interested citizens can be vaccinated at the 14 locations of the organized caravan, and every working day in the nearest Health Center. Vaccines are a much safer way to develop immunity to covid-19 than infection with the virus and have been shown to provide more reliable protection against natural immunity.

The late 19-year-old graduate Tony Sali did not have a birth certificate, the only proof that he existed was the great success in the testimonies

Graduate Tony Sali, who fought for a decade with the Registry Office to get a birth certificate and birth certificate, died yesterday at the age of 19. He did not wait to be registered somewhere in this country that he exists, that he is alive. His eight letters appeared for the first time yesterday, in the official records of the Ministry of Interior, but as a deceased person. Tony will not even receive an obituary. As if it did not exist. The only document and proof that he existed, will remain his fives from first to last, won domestic and international awards from competitions and certificates. Tony was born in Macedonia, in the Clinical Center "Mother Teresa", with an hour of time and place of birth. He had a living biological mother and father, ie. with all the fulfilled conditions to be registered in the Birth Register. Two years ago, Tony and his parents received free legal aid through Justice Minister Bojan Maricic. Lawyer Tamara Slaveska-Apostolovski fought the battle before the institutions, before the Registry Office, the Second Instance State Commission, the Administrative and Civil Court. He says that the country will continue to fill the folder with injustices that this country has done to Tony Sali before the European Court of Human Rights and Freedoms in Strasbourg. But Tony Sali is no longer alive to seek justice. As if it never existed.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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