Šutka NEWS

An i Šutka panika bašo desave kidnapiriba romane čhaven, tari policia demantirinena

These days the FBI's social networks were overwhelmed with information that allegedly unknown persons with cars and without license plates circled throughout Skopje, especially through Shutka and that they tried to snatch some children. Because of this fact, the people of Shutka and the surrounding area are in panic and organized through the streets to intercept those alleged hijackers. People are in fear and panic, even children are afraid to let them go to school.

Therefore, the editorial office of the Roma Times addressed to the Ministry of Interior and in a telephone conversation with the MoI spokesman, Toni Angelovski, who was asked about this moment, Angelovski noted: "It's fake information that spreads through social networks where we, as a ministry, have come up with a denial of this information. At first pictures of people allegedly abducted were taken, while photographs of some people from Mexico are being taken, and information is false. At the same time, I am mentioning that none has not reported this case to the Ministry of Interior for any attempt to kidnap children, whether it is from Shuto Orizari, Skopje or Macedonia ", said the spokesman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Angelovski.

Otherwise, this information among the Roma from Shuto Orizari got scaled since the Rompres news portal reported that there are people who operate on the territory of this municipality, and video material has been published for a conversation with a resident of Sh.Orizari who says his unconfirmed version .

That is why the editorial office of the Roma Times, looking for the truth addressed to the Ministry of Interior and all these speculations were denied with an appeal to inform the public, so that the citizens of Shuto Orizari themselves did not fall into such unverified and false information.

Dali pohari ama sigurno trebno te la o primati, o Roma taro Skopje, Šutka te oven nositelija ko opštestvena promene ki MK!?

Dikindoj ko agorutne nekobor bersha kote so o mangipa te kerelpe diso nevo ko romano dzivdipe bajrola ko nekobor segmentija ko Shuto Orizari. Palune bersha pohari ama sigurno romane chave sa pobuter taro Shuto Orizari hramome ko mashkarune sikljovne thaj uche institucije. Pohari ama sigurno romane chave but shukar adaptirinenape ko sasoitnipe (opshtestvo) save so avena taro Shuto Orizari.

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22 berša jubileo tari jekhutni romani komuna an i lumia - Šuto Orizari

Akava berš notirinen pe 22 berša taro formirba tari jekhto thaj jekhutni komuna kote o butipa si o Roma , a odova si i jekhutni an i lumia i komuna Šuto Orizari

Taro olakoro fundiriba an o 1996 berš an o teritorialno hulavipa thaj kanoni teritorialno organizacia taro 2004 berš kote o Skopje si le 10 komune.

I Komuna Šuto Orizari si jekhtune romani komuna an i lumia kote e Romen si len piro dizjakoro šerutno Rom te šaj implementirinen pire nacionalno niamia.

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Start tamikeriba nevi čhavorikani gradinka an o Šuto Orizari

Erati an o than tari purani thaj saste dži ki funda thardi i gradinka " 8 Aprili" so sine thardi an o mart persi berš. sine čhivdo fundamento tari nevi moderno thaj funkcionalno čhavorikani gradinka.

Te šaj realizirinel pe sa akava piro brao suporto dengja e Norvegiakoro thagarutnipa, hulavipaja 700.000 dolaria. Akale gestoa sikaven kaj si čačutne amala e Romane naciake thaj e komunake.
Bari naiskerin isi dži ko UNDP so menadžorongje o proekto thaj arakhle oleskiri profesionalno implementacia.

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