Šutka NEWS

Skopje: Debt repayment action without interest calculation until July 31, 2024

JP Vodovod and Sewerage - Skopje informs the public and the citizens of the city of Skopje, that the debt repayment action without calculation of interest for late payment is ongoing.

The action for repayment of debts in interest-free installments for individuals and legal entities has a certain time limit starting from 06.20.2024 and ending on 07.31.2024.

- We invite all users who have outstanding debt during this period to apply for the conclusion of debt repayment agreements in a maximum of 48 installments for individuals and 24 installments for legal entities, depending on the amount of the debt, without calculation of interest for late payment .

The decision to implement the action for repayment of arrears without calculation of interest does not apply to state and local government bodies and other state bodies established in accordance with the Constitution and by law and institutions that perform activities of public interest, say Vodovod.

After the expiration of this period, the decision ceases to be valid.

For any additional information about the services of JP Vodovod and Sewerage - Skopje, contact:

02 3073 010, Duty Information Center; 02 3240 300, Directorate; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; www.vodovod-skopje.com.mk; www.facebook.com/jpvodovod.skopje



Romani finally in Google Translate: The biggest language expansion in history! Google added 110 new languages

Google has announced that it is adding 110 new languages ​​to its translator, including Romani. This major update represents the largest expansion of language support in Google Translate's history and opens up new communication opportunities for more than 614 million people worldwide. Google Translate aims to break down language barriers and help people better understand the world around them. Thanks to the use of advanced artificial intelligence language models, Google has managed to add hundreds of minor as well as major languages ​​to its translator. In addition to Romani, newly supported languages ​​include, for example, Cantonese, Manx, Nko or the Berber language Tamazit. However, the big news is the ability to translate to and from Romani, the language of Romani communities around the world. "This update is welcome and long overdue!" statements from the network of Roma non-profit organizations ERGO Network. Many factors are taken into account when adding new languages ​​to Google Translate, including regional variations, dialects, and different spelling standards. Many languages ​​do not have a single standard form, meaning that there is no "correct" variant. That's why Google tries to prioritize the most commonly used variants of individual languages. "For example, Romani is a language that has many dialects throughout Europe. Our models produce text that is closest to South Olaska Romani (South Olaska), the variety most commonly used on the Internet. However, elements of others are also mixed in them, for example Severna Olash (Northern Wallachia) and Balkan Roma," says Google's press release.


Communal hygiene promotion from June 19 to July 31, 2024, pay arrears without interest

JP Communal hygiene Skopje informs its users, natural persons from households (respondents and regulars) who have an outstanding debt for collecting and transporting municipal waste through the joint account with JP Vodovod and sewerage Skopje, that from today, June 19, 2024, as of July 31 2024, they have the opportunity to pay it without calculated interest for late payment. The collection of these arrears will take place through the collection points of JP Vodovod i kanalizaza-Skopje (except for the lawsuit that dates back to 2007).

The possibility of paying the arrears without calculated interest in the specified period also applies to users-natural persons from households (respondents and regulars) where the service for collecting and transporting municipal waste is billed only through the account of JP Komunalna higiena-Skopje (rural areas) and users from the municipality of Shuto Orizari). The collection of these arrears will take place at the collection point of JP Komunalna higiena-Skopje, on Boro Todorović street no. 2.

The bloody fight in Zlokućani. They continued the fight in Urgenten. At least 10 were injured

On June 17, around 10:30 p.m., it was reported that there was a bloody fight between two large groups in the Zlokućani neighborhood in the Roma neighborhood. Shovels, axes, knives were used... (fortunately the gun that was taken out was not able to be rehearsed by the owner).

The massive fight broke out due to disturbed neighborly relations. Three minors were also involved in the physical fight. 10 people were injured in the fight and all of them ended up in the Emergency Center in the "Mother Teresa" clinic complex, where the physical fight between the two groups continued later.

The statement of the Ministry of the Interior says: "On June 17, 2024, the Ministry of Interior Skopje reported that at 10:30 p.m. in the area of ​​Karposh, due to disturbed relations between neighbors, a physical confrontation occurred between F.J. (22), B.J. (39) and three minors on the one hand and EG (52), GG (23) and HT (29) on the other, all from Skopje, during which hard and metal objects were used. It was later reported that around 1:55 a.m. in the Emergency Center in the "Mother Teresa" Clinic Complex, while D.J. (52) with his relatives S.J. (25) and I.D. (38) was waiting for the results of his injured son in the previous calculation, were physically attacked by E.G. (52), B.S. (43), A.S. (48), B.S. (44) and I.G. (36), during which they used metal and hard objects. Soon, after taking measures, police officers from the Unit for Intervention Police at SVR Skopje in the area of ​​the Center deprived E.G., B.S., A.S., B.S. and I.G.. While F.J. was detained at the Karposh Police Station. and B.J. and the three minors. After the case has been fully documented, an appropriate report will be filed against the persons" - reads the notice from the Ministry of the Interior.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

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„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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