
Marijana Demirev - with classical music for a better life

The Bulgarian town of Sliven is one of the largest Roma ghettos in Europe. There, girls 12 or 13 years old drop out of education, at the same time engaging in the risk of being called a minor.


But Nikola Demirev of Sliven decided to take his daughter Marianna out of such a fate and expand her horizons.


Marianna began attending cello lessons at the school of Georgi Kalajdziev, an artist who once lived in the ghetto.


Today he is a celebrated violinist who teaches classical music to several Roma children. It is all financed by donors from Germany, and the Roma children have already given a concert in front of the audience in the prestigious "Bulgaria" Hall in Sofia.


"In music teaching, our children not only learn to play but also acquire a culture that helps them eliminate the Roma mentality and tradition.


With the music of those children they were released from the difficult fate - the underage marriages.

So far, no institution has succeeded, "says Nikola Demirev, who managed to get his daughter out of the ghetto into normal life because of a disability.


The neighbors used to laugh at the fact that his daughter was learning to play an instrument because they thought music was a strictly men's job. But today they are proud of their young compatriot playing classical music.



Serbian government with new law: Musicians need to have a license and a signed contract with caterers. The penalties are thick

If you make a wedding and hire an orchestra without a license, the boss will pay a fine!


Street artists, musicians and singers will not be able to perform in catering establishments and other festivities, will not be able to perform unless there is a contract for work engagement, is the latest decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.


The new law takes effect after August 1, 2020. Otherwise the fines are up to 2,500 euros!


The organizer of the celebration, for example the bridegroom who hired a wedding orchestra. can be fined if he hires an orchestra without a license and local owners may be threatened with closing down the facility.


Employers who fail to comply with the provisions of the law will have to pay penalties of around 70-80 euros if they hire a musician without a license, and if hired without a prior written contract, fines range from 150 to 2,500 euros.

Gipsy Kings

The Gipsy Kings are a group of flamencosalsa and pop musicians from Arles and Montpellier in the south of France who perform in Andalusian Spanish.


Although group members were born in France, their parents were mostly gitanos, Spanish gypsies who fled Catalonia during the 1930s Spanish Civil War.


They are known for bringing Catalan rumba, a pop-oriented music distantly derived from traditional flamenco music, to worldwide audiences. The group originally called itself Los Reyes.


Their music has a particular rumba flamenca style, with pop influences; many songs of the Gipsy Kings fit social dances, such as salsa and rumba.


Their music has been described as a place where "Spanish flamenco and gypsy rhapsody meet salsa funk"


The Gipsy Kings consisted of two parent families: Reyes and Baliardo. The Reyes brothers are nephews of Manitas de Plata. The Baliardo brothers are sons of Manitas de Plata.

  • Nicolas Reyes – founder, lead singer, son of Jose Reyes
  • François (Canut) Reyes– vocal, guitar, son of Jose Reyes
  • Andre Reyes – vocal, guitar, son of Jose Reyes
  • Patchai Reyes – vocal, guitar, son of Jose Reyes
  • Pablo (Paul) Reyes – guitar, son of Jose Reyes
  • Tonino Baliardo– founder, lead guitarist
  • Diego Baliardo – guitar

Paco Baliardo – guitar

Branko Ristic: From the Roma neighborhood from Gornji Milanovac ,world Fame in Sydney

Self-taught Roma Branko Ristic has gained worldwide fame and is now playing at home for the New Year


"Abroad may be more likely to succeed, but my home has the biggest heart" violinist Branko Ristic

How to get to the bottom first, and then touch the stars, the self-taught violinist Branko Risitic, a Roma who left Gornji Milanovac, a native Roma neighborhood, went to London and gained worldwide fame.

Out of poverty and sorrow, she was taken out of Britain by a symbolic name - Feith, which changed her destiny. The two playing the violin and the harmonica do wonders, and their love story left no one indifferent.



However, this Roma has never forgotten his roots and often comes home, even when the New 2020 could be anywhere he wants and go around the world, he chose the Gornji Milanovac performance.


- People don't have the emotion they have here. I went through the whole world and felt it on my own skin. Abroad you may have a greater chance of success, but at home they have a greater heart. That's why I go back home and play with my heart open, ”says Branko Ristic.


Many are crying with the sounds of his violin because he knows how to hit the right tone and the right wire perfectly. . He had a summer performance at the first Violinist Assembly in Pranjani, where everyone was thrilled and therefore asked him to perform for the New Year. For the New Year's performance in Gornji Milanovac, there was also Mira Skoric.


With his love for Faith, he plans more quality projects and is planning a tour of Australia in the spring.

- We both merge the impossible. Traditional with modern, Roma tones with classic - said Branko.

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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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