
Guča, Srbija: Kristijan Azirović taro Bojnik - Jekhto truba ki Guča bašo 2021

Ko 60-to jubularno  festivali e trubake Guča, o phursako sar jekhto truba ki Guča lelja o trubači taro Bojnik o Kristijan Azirović . Oleskoro orkestari lelja o phursako bašo majšukar bašavdo horo.

O orkestari taro Vladimir Ivanović taro Zagušanje si notirime sar majšular. Majšukar bubnjari si notirime o Filip Stojanović, bas truba o Stefan Ilić a i gili taro Marko Gligorijević.

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Esma bend thaj o orkestar Brakjata Nune kergje čačutno spektakli ko akaleberšeskoro EXIT festivali ko Novi Sad

Pali akaharin taro organizatoria o Esmas Bend  sine len koncerti ko EXIT em agjaar lošakergje sa e publika em fania tari legendarna Esma.

Sine rat lipardi e Esmake,  giljaven pe sine em  bašavena pe sine sa o majbare hitia taro Esma so nikana na čhinavdile te šunen pe. Sar jekhutnno džuvljano vokali so sine educirimi tari Esma sine i Eleonora Mustafova em giljavgja perfektno, a sine uravde ko šalvare tari Esma si olake dengja olen. O orkestar Brakja Nune  em o bendi kergje saste remek delo ko bašavipa em o neve aranžmana taro “ Zošto si me majko rodila”, “Romano horo”, “ Mangava tut”, “Čhae Šukarie” em but aver hitia so i publika gljaven len sine lencar.

Akava koncerti sine panda majbaro motiv o šefi e bendeskoro o Simeon Atanasob  te kerel panda buti ki pravda te ovel promovirimi em te pherel o amaneti dendo tari Esma thaj Stevo Teodosievski.

A fairy tale about the king of Roma music

The book "Pitao sam Malog Puz" (book dedicated to Shaban Bajramovic) by sociologist and romologist prof. Dr. Dragoljuba B. Djordjevic from Nis was introduced almost two years ago.

The author attempts to socially define the phenomenon of Shaban Bajramovic in an original way - creating a vocabulary of terms, backed by archaisms and localisms.
We have long agreed that the hero of Nis is vassarlia, cafancheros, naked-tailed, barbutas, lover, gnozluclia, puppetry and filmmaker.

Shaban Bajramovic is also labeled as a good-natured, host, exuberant, aide, Serbian Roma and Patriot, but he was not a pariah, a citation and was never a Roma jigsaw, Djordjevic emphasized.

The author says that the book "Pitao sam malog puza" motivated a dedicated essay by British columnist Garth Cartwright titled "Shaban Bajramovic - A Spender of Life".

Bajramovic's fate was to do something for himself, for us, and for music in general. He was more valued abroad than here.
Shaban had to, as Djordjevic points out, as a child manage to make bread crumbs, and be an amalgamator.

- He was like a soldier desertion, for nothing to go to Goli Otok, with Alija Izetbegovic breaking stones, learning to sing and playing the contrabass, "he was to sing" I'm Captured "and be in 12th place a sacred list in 1965.
To compose 700 songs, perform all over the world except Australia, be on the prestigious "Time" list and be proclaimed king of Roma music "Djordjevic emphasized.

Djambo Agusev makes music for director's new film "Parasit"

Macedonian musician Djambo Agusev has been involved in making music for the film performance of "Okya" by Bong Chun Ho, director and film "Parasit", which this year became the first foreign film to win four Oscars, including Best Picture.


"Parasit" won the Macedonian documentary "Honeymoon" in the category of international film, and received a prestigious statuette for both original script and directing.


In the movie "Okya" one can hear the sounds of Agusev's trumpet, which he wrote on social media at the time: "The feeling of being a part of a movie abroad is a dream come true for any musician.


The film was presented in Cannes - France and the audience was delighted to hear the applause.


It is a pride for me and my orchestra 'Djambo Agusevi', but also for Macedonia that we present at the highest possible level. I hope the state will remember us, at least to thank us for this success.



FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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