
Balkan profile boxing scandal - Dead Bulgarian boxer fights under another name - Jesus is alive, Boris dies!

The Bulgarian boxer who died in a match in Shkodra, Albania, was called Boris Stanchov, not Jesus Velichkov, as announced by the Bulgarian Professional Boxing Alliance. Stanchev went up and entered the ring under Velichkov's name, Bulgarian media reported.

Velichkov himself, with the status of social networks, expressed regret over the death of his colleague.

Rest in peace, champion! I will always carry you in your heart, wrote Velickov.

It is not yet clear how the names and documents were changed. The whole situation needs to be cleared up by the leadership of the Bulgarian Boxing Professional Alliance.

Bulgarian boxer Boris Stanchov was 21 and died in a hospital in Albania. According to local Albanian media, he did not die from strokes during the match, but from a heart attack. The autopsy is expected to give the final word.

Sport Against Racism

The Roma Initiative for Sustainable Development is with guests from the National Roma Team of Serbia and Slovenia, the Roma Sports Association Initiative for Roma for Freedom of Sustainable Development. visited the stadium Rajko Mitic in Belgrade as part of their visit to Serbia. They also all sent a strong message of peace, unity and harmony. In addition, the Red Crescent Museum was also visited! Otherwise the idea for this visit is the future National Roma Team of Europe !!!

"Say No to Racism" is a key message of the RIZOR campaign launched in Serbia in collaboration with the Phare Network (an organization called Football Against Racism) - an international network aimed at preventing discrimination in football. Relevant research (UNDP, CESID, IPSOS) several years ago indicates that the percentage of the majority of citizens who possess stereotypes and prejudices towards the Roma population does not decrease.

Recently, Serbia's Roma National Team fights for its emancipation and escape from isolation - winner of recent regional sports competition

Slovakia: Romani girl from settlement now champion runner in her region

One year ago, photographs of Annamária, a Romani girl standing on the first place podium of an athletics competition in ballerina flats, went viral on Czech and Slovak social media. Despite her family being very badly off financially and living in a cabin in the Romani settlement of Moldava nad Bodvou, she beat more than 400 other children to win the 750 meter race.

Her talent was noticed by the local athletics club, which has taken her under their wing and is financially supporting her. Today, after one year of training, she is the best runner in her category in eastern Slovakia.

Slovak public broadcaster RTVS has been following up on her story. Annamária trains four times a week and excels all other members at her club.

"She's a medium distance runner. At this moment she is the best runner in eastern Slovakia in the category of older schoolgirls," Norobert Pecze, chair of the Legionnaires' Athletics Club, told RTVS television.




England: Czech emigré of Romani origin establishes boxing team for children from the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Ladislav Žiga, a Romani man born in Prague's Žižkov quarter, has dedicated himself to boxing since childhood. In Prague he was trained by the legendary Stanislav Tišer, also from the Romani community, who dedicated himself above all to helping children who were spending time on the street.

Today the 30-year-old Žiga lives in Gloucester, England. He decided to follow in his trainer's footsteps and build a boxing team for children there.

Today Žiga teaches the sport to 25 children from the Czech and Slovak community. He shares not just his experience from sports with them, but also his lessons from life.
"We box and I supervise their school performance. This endeavor is about integrating them into normal life and thereby suppressing crime," he told, the website of the Czech Government's Hate Free Cultureproject.

Žiga grew up in Žižkov, a neighborhood of Prague known for its Romani community and working-class history. His older brother, Vladimír, brought him to boxing at a very early age.


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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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