
На 19 април 2020 година во Ниш, Р.Србија по кратко боледување на своја 54 годишна возраст почина долгогодишниот ромски новинар и активист Ферхат Саити. Тој беше основател на РТВ Нишава. Воедно основател беше и на ромската партија Единство. Во ромскиот активизам влезе во 1998 година кога учествуваше на VI Конгрес на ИРУ во Прага , Чешка. Беше член и на Националниот совет на Ромите и Лигата на Ромите. Беше и директор на првата ромска градежна задруга Махала , Воедно беше и претседател на Советот за Човечки и малцински прав во ГУ Ниш. Роден е на 28.01.1966 година.

Longtime Roma journalist and activist Ferhat Saiti died on April 19, 2020 in Nis, Serbia, after a short illness at the age of 54. He was the founder of Nishava Radio and Television.


He was also the founder of the Roma unity party. He joined Roma activism in 1998 when he attended the VI Congress of the IRU in Prague, Czech Republic. He was also a member of the National Council of Roma and the Roma League.


He was also the director of the first Roma construction company, Mahala. He was also the chairman of the Council for Human and Minority Dust in GU Nis.


He was born on January 28, 1966.

In the middle of the curfew, almost the entire Shutka was left without water for half a day on Saturday

On Saturday, April 18, 2020, without prior notice and during the police hour, the settlement of Suto Orizari was left without water for almost half a day. To make the problem even bigger, the water supply interruption happened without prior notice.


According to the information from the Public Enterprise Water Supply and Sewerage, this is a street defect on Indira Gandi Street, branch of Chegevara. The water supply was interrupted from 10:00 to 16:00 when the activities ended.


The citizens' revolt was directed at the fact that all this happened during a curfew, without the opportunity to go and possibly be supplied with drinking water and were unable to maintain the most basic hygienic protection at the height of the pandemic with Covid 19.

No money, no water, no food: Covid-19 lockdown in a Paris Roma slum

France has been placed in lockdown since March 17 in a bid to slow the spread of Covid-19. But the cramped and squalid conditions in the country's hundreds of slums, where many of France's Roma population live, make social distancing and good hygiene nearly impossible. Aid agencies are now warning of a potential health disaster.


In a shanty town in Saint-Denis, on the outskirts of Paris, nearly half of the approximately 200 inhabitants have gone, choosing to move elsewhere when the pandemic began to take hold in France.


But those who remain face limited access to basic utilities, such as running water and healthcare.


“We are facing a double health crisis in the slums because when coronavirus arrives people will have big problems getting access to healthcare, and also they lack the basics like access to water, to toilets, in many of the shanty towns, it's very tough for them,” Adeline Grippon of Médecins du Monde, one of the aid agencies working in the slum.



Serbia: Regime thugs attack Roma

The regime's fascist neranimajiks, known as the "Leviathan", were once again active in public a few days after the cowardly and prolonged attack on the Garip family in Belgrade.


In fact, this violent group, without any reason or evidence, accused the family of organizing dog fights and animal cruelty, and decided to take away a dog on national grounds by intimidation and threats.


That the intimidation was racially justified was proved by the fact that their racial dog was taken away while the scrub was left on. If the cause was the terror of the animals, they would take both dogs.


Two years ago, the Garip family was the target of executors who were evicted from their home in Belgrade's Dorchol neighborhood to build luxury apartments and office space.


They were placed in containers without electricity and water, in completely unhygienic conditions. They are also threatened with eviction because of the space planned for the construction of luxury apartments and office space.



FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

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„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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