Stefano-Stevo Kuzhicov Vice President of the IRU

Stefano-Stevo Kuzhicov, ist 60 years old. Works and lives in Helsingborg, Sweden. He have begun to take an interest and work for roma rights 35 years ago. As an activist he have been active in several organizations, local, national and international. He is today president of the National Federation of Roma in Europe, which is a major national organization for Roma in Sweden, He have been active in the IRU for 26 years, have had various assignments and positions.

He have been elected at the 2020 Congress as vice president of the IRU. His interests are to work for roma rights, to combat all forms of racism, discrimination and anti-gypsyism, which is unfortunately the biggest obstacle to Roma integration into society. He have worked since 22 years in the city of Helsingborg as a coordinator, bridge builder and since 2012 as process leader for the Government's strategy for Roma inclusion in Helsingborg.

Atma Singh Vice President of the IRU : Strategist, writer, speaker and entrepreneur

Atma Singh is exploring strategic thinking in a rapidly changing political and geo-strategic global environment with an aim to develop a robust strategic theory.

He is focused on the strategic questions: of globalisation, capitalism, the rise of Asia, nationalism and the future of democracies.

Atma Singh is the Author of the book, "An Asian Century Manifesto: Global Political Economy in the 21st Century" (published 2008). In this book, Asia and the global economy of the 21st century are explored in terms of strategic trends and modern values based on empirical evidence.

Policy Adviser for a World Class City

Atma Singh played the top-level role as lead Policy Adviser on Asian Affairs to the Mayor of London 2001-2007. He provided strategic policy advice for the Mayor of London, the strategic elected leader of a World-Class City, on Asian issues. He took the lead in decision-making on this area on behalf of the Mayor of London in the Mayor's Office. He was the catalyst for pushing world class institutions in London to recognise and prioritise the importance of Asia and Asian people to the world economy through various partnership strategies. He played an important role in ensuring the success of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Bid though his work by hosting formal events for this.

He was also the Policy Adviser co-lead on Faith Matters to the Mayor of London and led the response of London to the 9/11 terrorists attacks in New York and USA in the Mayor's Office.

He has met and known many key players of the global elite (government leaders and politicians, royalty, business leaders, cultural icons and sporting personalities) through his partnership work to get major things done.

Atma Singh has vast experience of giving speeches to high-levels audiences as well as chairing and hosting high-level official activity.

For most of his adult life, he has been an avid student of politics and government - formally and informally.

Atma Singh has developed ground-breaking government policy since the 1980s, firstly, as an advocate. and, then as a official political policy maker and decision-taker.

In his early career, he was employed as a professional trainer and consultant. He decided to a transition into the policy field. He succeeded. He has entered the field of strategic thinking and working to succeed in this field.

Atma Singh has written articles for UK national mainstream newspapers (like The Times) on London government and made numerous media appearances on a wide range of subjects.

Atma Singh is exploring a number of major projects in different fields as an entrepreneur. He wants to use his experience to create unique projects - which will make a major global contribution in the economic sphere including in the field of strategic leadership.

He is Founder-President of the Alliance of Democracies Strategic Action Committee and the European Council on Asian Affairs.


Atma Singh is a big film fan with an eclectic global taste (even using English subtitles depending on the language of the film). He really likes the outdoors and enjoys participating in active leisure pursuits when he can. He treasures visits to arts and cultural as well as sporting events with family, friends or colleagues as fun days out.



IRU with letter and request to UN, USA, EU and other relevant international institutions: Request for urgent humanitarian aid for them Roma people in Afghanistan

In his letter and request by the International Roma Union through its delegates and signed by the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov, among other things, the text reads:

“International Romani Union - IRU is concerned about the Roma in Afghanistan, who are living in these difficult times without protection and in great fear. Roma should not fall victim to the new government in Afghanistan. The IRU calls on the UN, the US government and the EU to provide urgent humanitarian protection to the Roma population in Afghanistan.

Now all countries are taking care of their citizens and urgently evacuating them from Afghanistan in August. The IRU demands that people be released from Afghanistan even after August. The Roma do not have the state or the necessary resources to evacuate the Roma living in Afghanistan.

The Roma in Afghanistan are suffering and fearing consequences for them. They are often stateless and are not recognized by the Afghan constitution. International Romani Union - IRU therefore calls on the UN, the US and the EU to review the status of Roma in Afghanistan, who are the subject to recent political developments, to protect them and to assist in their evacuation if necessary.

The UN should protect the Roma without their own state. In war situations, many Roma have been killed - about 1.5 million in the Holocaust during World War II - and they have often lost all their property without war reparations and other compensation and left without protection. According to international estimates, the Panjshir Valley north of Kabul could become a crisis hotbed that could even lead to a civil war in Afghanistan.

Unicef coordinates the distribution of Corona vaccines in the WHO’s Covax vaccine program, and Unicef has told Reuters that the number of Corona vaccinations has fallen by 80% in Afghanistan since the conquest of Kabul. Half of the vaccine doses delivered to Afghanistan are now in danger of falling due. Afghanistan is also in danger of becoming a crisis hotbed of Corona and stateless Roma will be left without vaccines. Roma also need health protection in Afghanistan.” it is said in the letter sent by the IRU and on behalf of the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov

O IRU ikergja piri nićali Parlamentarno sesia

Ko 12 dekemvri prekal ZOOM video konferencia ikergja piri ničali anglojevendaskiri Parlamentarno IRU sesia kote than lel upreder 50 delegatora thaj membrora taro 35 thema.

Ki Parlamentarno sesia trujal intonacia e romane himnake, thaj jekhminutakoro deiba respekto bašo mule IRU membrora trujal o lafikeriba thaj raporto taro IRU president o Zoran Dimov pire raportoa sine thaj avere uče funkcioneren thaj IRU membrora.

I Parlamentarno sesia sine hulavde ko nekobor kotora thaj sine diskusia ko pobuter tematike thaj punktia.

Trujal odova sine ande em nekobor decizie ko kadrovsko trampe kote so legaren pše nekobor imšportantno sektoria ko periodo so avela a ko jekh sine prezenztitrime em Plano thaj programa vash IRU aktivitetoa ko 2022 berš. Trubul te vakerel pe kaj ko akava Parlamentarno ssesia sine dendi em plaketa Notacia vash Počesno IRU Presidento e lungodeceniengoro IRU aktivno membro o rajo Verandra Riši.

Ko jekh sine notirime em promovirime nekobor neve IRU delegatora thaj notacia profesionalno thaj stručno konsultantno thaj konsiliaria vash majlačho thaj majšukare butikeriba ko IRU ko pobuter punktia.

The IRU sends a protest note to the Czech Embassy in Skopje, North Macedonia

The International Romani Union – IRU following the death of the young Roma Stanislav Toma from Teplice – Czech Republic which happened on the 19th of June reacted with a protest letter to the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in North Macedonia – H.E. Miroslav Toman, from the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov. The IRU reacts that this case must be minimized and receive a different direction. The IRU reacts to the passive work of the police towards this case and that is why the IRU calls upon the Czech MIA, the Czech State Institutions, and also the European Institutions must prioritize these case and to solve it and have a thorough investigation which will be public and transparent – says the reaction from the President of the IRU sent to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in the Republic of North Macedonia

IRU reacts to European institutions and the Ukrainian Embassy in RS Macedonia on the occasion of the physical and verbal attack on four Roma women in Kiev

On the occasion of a post on social networks where the video is seen as young

an unnamed Ukrainian verbally and physically attacks them and strikes them with a plastic phallus four Roma women, for alleged theft, International Roma Union Union IRU sent

a written response to the EU, EC and other relevant European institutions as well as to the Embassy of Ukraine in RS Macedonia by its President Zoran Dimov, as stated in the reaction to the Ukrainian authorities to take action to resolve this incident and eradicate violence and discrimination against the Roma community. It says, among other things:

International Roma Union - IRU is a worldwide organization that aims to protect and promote the basic human rights of Roma around the world. In this context, on behalf of the Roma nation around the world, we call on the Ukrainian government and authorities to URGENTLY take the necessary measures to punish and eradicate violence and discrimination against Roma, as evidenced by the recent incident of violence and humiliation of Roma women in Ukraine.

The International Roma Union - IRU proposes that the Republic of Ukraine join - as a new active member of the UN - the 5-year UN campaign for equality of generations, which promotes the rights of women and girls globally. We consider it important to develop an action program against gender-based violence in Ukraine.

Otherwise, the reaction specifically refers to the video already posted on the social network FB exactly when at the same time the UN Day is celebrated on 24.10.2021 at 15:05, where a man attacks four Romani women in the center of Kiev. The violent man violently and humiliating the four women, hits them on the head, kicks and insults them. To make such an event more visible and completely blacken Roma women, the perpetrator brutally uses a dildo as a weapon for violence against women. In the video you can see how beaten and humiliated women are powerless defending themselves and trying to get away from the abuser in order to save themselves, and he persistently insults and continues the physical violence on the move.



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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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