IRU President Zoran Dimov on a several-week official visit to the European Parliament in Brussels

The President of the International Romani Union - IRU, Vice President of ERTF and Coordinator of the Network for Systemic and Sustainable Solutions for Integration of the Roma Community in Northern Macedonia Zoran Dimov, at the invitation of the European Parliament in Brussels is on a working visit to this institution.

The visit is on the occasion of his invitation to participate in the Conference related to Roma from the Western Balkans and Europe "Romani Week 2022" which will be held in mid-May this year. In that context, in these few weeks Dimov will have meetings with prominent and senior EU officials.

There will be an opportunity to present the Roma strategy prepared by the representatives of the Network for Systemic and Sustainable Solutions. One of the key moments is the IRU's commitment to open an office in Brussels for the Roma Ombudsman, which these days will be promoted by the Office itself, which is a huge step in the integration of the Roma community in European institutions.

In the following period, several meetings and meetings will be organized with various European agencies, among which will be discussed how the Roma refugees from Ukraine can be helped for equal treatment.

During his several-week stay in the European Parliament, he will meet with several MEPs in his office assigned to him by the European Parliament, as well as Roma Associations and Associations that will be staying in Brussels on those days.





The President of the IRU and the Coordinator of the Network for System Solutions Zoran Dimov at a meeting with representatives of the French Embassy in Skopje

The war in Ukraine, the refugee crisis, and the situation with Roma refugees from Ukraine, as well as the efforts made by the advocacy network and systematic and lasting solutions for Roma integration in North Macedonia were part of the talks and presentation by IRU President Zoran Dimov and coordinator. on the network for systemic and permanent solutions. He presented his views to the representatives of the French Embassy in Skopje to Mr. Hugo Bechtel - Advisor for Culture and Technical Cooperation as well as Director of the French Institute in Skopje and Ms. Julie Maraval Attaché for Cooperation at the French Embassy.

Dimov stressed the concern and at the same time the unequal access to the Roma refugees from Ukraine at the border crossings and at the same time in Wales in other EU countries.

At the same time, at the level of our country, he presented the plans and implementation of Strategies for the Roma, as well as one of the numerous actions taken, such as the Pedagogical Assistants. In that segment, Igo Bestel and Julie Maraval are ready to contribute to the realization of those activities.

At the end of the meeting, Dimov on behalf of the Network presented the Acknowledgment for special contribution and support of the Roma community that the French Embassy received last year on the occasion of 50 years of the IRU and the International Roma Day April 8. It was awarded now because of the well-known Covid 19 protocols in force last year.

IRU reacts: There is no end to the humiliation of the Roma from Ukraine - Now the nationalists label them as thieves!

Chaos in Ukraine continues. This time the Ukrainian police and army are also involved. In their own way, they punish those who are both the poorest and left alone. And among them are the Ukrainian Roma.

The war mostly affects the poorest, including a section of the Roma community. The lack of food, the unequal treatment of providing humanitarian aid to the most vulnerable in this war, is forcing this community to take an illegal step with severe consequences for their lives.

The inhuman treatment, the humiliation of these people who will be caught or just assumed that they stole something, is followed by being tied to a traffic sign or an electric pole with just sticky tape, painting the face in the color of the Ukrainian flag, and even physical harassment, and that are in the name of "GLORY TO UKRAINE".

Many who have already seen these photos know that such an act against the "hungry thieves" is at the expense of the notorious neo-Nazi groups of Ukraine, especially the members of the neo-fascist Azov detachment.

This type of punishment is applied in a country where there is no democracy but the law of the street and arbitrariness, whether that country is at war or not. That is why the IRU reacts and says that a reaction is needed and an appeal to the EU and the institutions to take appropriate steps to eliminate these phenomena, as well as to take greater care of the treatment of Roma from Ukraine who are left at mercy. Where are and what are the European Parliament members doing now who are advocating for Roma rights?

The President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola with a special video message to the IRU on the occasion of the International Roma Day April 8

"International Roma Day is a day to celebrate Roma culture, history and language and pay tribute to Roma people's contribution to the rich fabric of our European societies," European Parliament President Roberta Metsola said on the occasion of 8 April, World Roma Day. "Despite the challenges faced by many, Roma citizens can be proud Europeans, proud of the wealth that they bring to Europe - but today is also a day to raise awareness about a serious concern: Growing antiziganism," she said in a video where she appears together with MEP Peter Pollák.

Pollák spoke about the fact that many Romani men and women in Europe continue to face discrimination and racism. "It is unacceptable that our ethnicity, skin color, or poverty continue to divide us," the MEP said, reminding European voters that the pandemic proved how neglected Romani settlements still are despite massive investments.

"Today we remember lessons learned from World War Two, which saw the weaker members of our society be spurned, and we reaffirm that Roma people must enjoy the same rights and treatment as any European citizens," Metsola said. "The European Parliament stands with you. Sastipen bacht, le Romenge."



Statement on the Ukraine Roma Refugees by Zoran Dimov President of the International Romani Union

“The tragic war in Ukraine has led to a major humanitarian and refugee crisis in Europe. The International Romani Union calls on a global urgent effort to assist those affected including the 400,000 Ukrainian Roma people. We call on the full respect for humanitarian corridors in Ukraine for civilians in accordance with the Geneva Convention. We call on Europe and the whole world to open their borders to the refugees and give them shelter in their countries based on the needs of the victims of this terrible war. The International Romani Union will play its role in this crisis as the partner of the victims of war and the refugees. Let’s unite in this hour of need to show our humanity. We call for an immediate end to this war”.

Zoran Dimov, President, International Romani Union.

Video ZOOM conference of IRU on the occasion of April 8, the highest world and European leaders and organizations sent their messages

On the occasion of the 51st anniversary of the IRU and the First World Congress of Roma, a Video ZOOM conference is organized where his participation was solemnly marked through Video ZOOM, and some with sent Video messages. The introduction of the day was made by the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov, and video messages with congratulations were

António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres - The Secretary-General of the United Nations , Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, Thorsten Afflerbach , Head of the Support Team of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Roma Issues, Lívia Járóka, Vice president of the European Parliament, Peter Pollák, Member of the European Parliament ,etc.

The topic of the discussions was the situation with the Roma from Ukraine and also the Roma from America, the Russian Federation, India, and also from Europe.

Finally, the April 8 IRU Declaration was read.

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