"The Congress in London united the Roma around the world", recalls Tore - Jarl Bielenberg - journalist, art director, manager and IRU delegate from Norway

I first met Raya, then still called Raisa Udovikova, in 1964 when I was working as a reporter for a Norwegian newspaper in Moscow. She was a leading actress at the famous Theater Romain. We married in 1966 and later moved to Norway with her two children, Natasha and Oleg. Due to the language barrier - Raya spoke only Russian and Romani at the time - she changed her education from acting to dancing and singing. Later, when she learned Norwegian, she also acted in theaters and films. I also changed my field - from a journalist I became his manager and a book translator (I translated about a hundred books from six languages into Norwegian).

The International Roma Union is the oldest and largest international Roma organization. I am a member of its parliament. We have offices in Vienna, Geneva and Washington. President Zoran Dimov is based in Skopje, North Macedonia. IRU is now represented in more than fifty countries. It takes a high degree of ingenuity and organizational talent to unite Roma on four continents who belong to different subgroups. This was never an easy task. We were forced to fight against anti-Roma prejudice, persecution and bureaucracy. We won and suffered defeats. Dissatisfaction and impatience is growing among many Roma because of the unfulfilled promises of the authorities and the lack of great results. Many other Roma organizations with different goals have come and gone. But the IRU is still here. During its more than fifty years of existence, it has been a central driving force and inspiration in the global struggle for Roma rights and an important instrument of unity and solidarity across all borders and all Roma groups.



IRU representatives led by IRU President Zoran Dimov took part in the 16th European Roma Inclusion Platform in Madrid

In the organization of the Spanish Presidency with the Council of the European Union and the European Commission, the 16th European Platform for Roma Inclusion was held on November 29 and 30 in Madrid, Spain.

The aim of the meeting itself was how to improve the use of EU and national funding to enable effective and equal access to housing and combat anti-Gypsyism.

On this 16th European platform for the inclusion of the Roma, the organizers invited the representatives of the IRU, which were attended by the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov, and the Vice-President of the IRU Stefano Kuzhicov.

During the meeting, a delegation of the IRU met with high representatives of the Council of Europe and the European Commission and members of the EP. They met with Helena Dali, the European Commissioner for Equality, with the Commissioner for Equality and Good Neighborhood for the Western Balkans and a friend of the Roma, Marta García Fidalgo, with the Eurocombatant Livia Jaroca and others. They had the opportunity to share the local challenges of the Roma community in terms of housing and anti-Gypsyism.

IRU President Zoran Dimov participates in the General Debate of the 78th Session of the General Assembly at the United Nations

As an accredited and authorized person who has his own ECOSOC status in the UN, upon invitation from the General Assembly, IRU President Zoran Dimov took part in the discussion of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly. The theme for the 78th session was "Rebuilding Trust and Rekindling Global Solidarity: Accelerating Action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals Towards Peace, Prosperity, Progress and Sustainability for All".

First, the UN Secretary General addressed this session of the General Debate and presented his report on the work of the Organization, which is available online in six official languages and in two accessibility formats.

The report presents the work of the United Nations Secretariat to support Member States in the 2030 Agenda, advance climate action, promote gender equality, protect human rights, promote peace and security, coordinate humanitarian aid, promote justice and international law, advancing disarmament, increasing drug control, crime prevention, combating international terrorism, and consolidating United Nations reforms.

In that direction, the president of the IRU, Dimov, through his report, presented the commitments and efforts of the IRU in some of the topics that were represented at this 78th session of the UN General Assembly.

Coordination meeting of IRU President Zoran Dimov with the delegate from Japan Sumi Yusuke and General Secretary Ramush Muarem in preparation for the 12th IRU Congress

As part of the activities of the IRU for the upcoming 12th IRU Congress, which will be held in the period of April 2024, a coordination meeting was held in the IRU office in Skopje between the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov with the delegate from Japan Sumi Yusuke and Secretary General Ramush Muarem. At the meeting, guidelines were agreed upon, as well as unplanned activities in preparation for the organization of the Congress of the IRU, at which there will be the election of a new leadership and a new structure within the ranks of the IRU. These are only the first steps taken for a more transparent and democratic process in the IRU, as well as plans for future action and strengthening of the IRU membership. The following period will be aimed at organizing a call for young, new and more progressive IRU members from all over the world, reviewing the work of all previously inactive IRU delegates and members.

According to this coordination meeting, it follows that an even greater commitment of the existing membership and replenishment with new blood and new additional directions of action is needed.


IRU President Zoran Dimov on the eve of August 2nd: "It must not remain forgotten as they call it the "Forgotten Holocaust".

Dear IRU members, delegates, and IRU Friends

I would like to remind you in the name of the IRU and in my name as its president that one of the darkest pasts of the Roma nation is approaching, and that is the 2nd August Holocaust against the Roma and Sinti.

By marking this day, we should remember one of the greatest defeats of humanity in history, and therefore the holocaust on Romit and Sinti must not remain forgotten as they call it - "the forgotten Holocaust".

"With this event, we commemorate one of the most tragic events and processes in the history of mankind - the Holocaust that was perpetrated against the Roma and Sinti during the Second World War, as part of the darkest idea for the so-called "final solution" of the Nazi and fascist threat to the free world during that period. This is the day we remember that between 1933 and 1945, the Nazis and their collaborators killed hundreds of thousands of Roma and Sinti – men, women and children – in the parts of Europe that were under fascist occupation."

Therefore, on this day, we appeal to all our members and delegates, and at the same time to all institutions of a local, regional, national and international character, to mark this day and thus to pay respect to all those who suffered during that Holocaust. and a message to never repeat it again.

We remind you that on April 8, 2015, the European Parliament adopted a resolution declaring August 2 as the European Day of Remembrance for the Roma Holocaust, in order to honor the victims of the Roma genocide of the Second World War.

Adequate recognition of the treatment of Roma in the past is essential not only to ensure justice and dignity for those who have suffered, but also to confront anti-Roma speech and behaviour, and permanently eliminate it.

With respect

Zoran Dimov

President of the IRU

IRU congratulates the UN on the occasion of United Nations Day - October 24

On the occasion of October 24 - UN Day, the International Roma Union - IRU and its president Zoran Dimov, on behalf of the entire membership of IRU, sends congratulations to the world's largest organization, the UN, which is synonymous with peace and stability in the whole world.

The IRU's congratulatory message to the UN said: “Humanity has entered the era of sustainability – with a global commitment to deliver on the great promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. All the challenges that are of a global nature are only a motive for us all to work together and eliminate all global challenges and problems"

We wish you much success in further activities and undertaken plans and actions, because this planet of ours is a place for all nations to live equally"

Otherwise, IRU is an active member with its own ECOSOC status in the UN.

Otherwise, chronologically, the United Nations was officially established on October 24, 1945. In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly declared October 24, the anniversary of the United Nations Charter, as the day "to be devoted to announcing the purposes and achievements of the United Nations to the people of the world and enlisting their support" for its work. .

In 1971, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a supplementary resolution (UN Resolution 2782) declaring United Nations Day to be an international observance or international holiday recommending that it should be observed as a public holiday by member states of the United Nations.

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