NGO Projects

On August 3, ZRDICM, together with the Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions, organizes an exhibition performance "Through the Labyrinth of Romani History - the 5 Rooms" after the Roma Holocaust - Samudaripen

Commemoration of the Day of the Roma Holocaust (Samudaripen) on August 2 organized by the Association Roma Business Information Center of Macedonia - ZRDICM and the Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions, and under the auspices of the Agency for Realizing the Rights of Communities in RS. Macedonia organizes an exhibition performance "Through the Labyrinth of Roma History - the 5 Rooms".

The event will take place on August 3, 2022 - Wednesday starting at 10:30 a.m. in the Holocaust Memorial Center of the Jews of Macedonia, Skopje

Senior government representatives, representatives from the Assembly of RS Macedonia, the non-governmental sector and others will take part in this event with their speeches.

Novi Pazar: NGOs in Novi Pazar seek protection for Roma children

A group of NGOs from Novi Pazar assessed that Roma children in this city are victims of abuse and neglect and potential trafficking in human beings due to abuse of purpose and economic exploitation.

The Sandzak Committee for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, the Damad Cultural Center and Urban In pointed out that the plight of Roma children is a consequence of the inadequate response of society and the relevant institutions and that they are often completely invisible to them. .

He reminded that several Roma children with the months "without a regular meal, appropriate clothes and shoes stay and sleep on the concrete in the passage of the New Rounded Building".

"These children live in inhumane conditions, their right to a safe and dignified life, education, health care is threatened, and they are often exposed to humiliation, insults and discrimination," the statement said.

These non-governmental organizations appealed to local and national institutions to solve this problem immediately, as well as to work responsibly, efficiently and systematically and continuously to protect the rights and improve the position of the Roma community.



Meeting of the Roma NGO on the occasion of "Anti-Racism Week" at a meeting at the Ministry of Justice with Deputy Minister Nuhiu and Secretary of State Toci

On the eve of the Week of Solidarity of the People and the Fight against Racism and Racial Discrimination and its celebration at the Ministry of Justice, Deputy Minister of Justice Agim Nuhiu and Secretary of State Muhamed Toci met with representatives of civil society of the Roma community.

During this meeting, both sides stressed that the commitment to solidarity of the people and the fight against racism and racial discrimination in our country needs to be raised to an even higher level and deepen cooperation between state institutions and civil society. In fact, that was the conclusion and goal of the meeting on both sides. The members of the Network for Systemic and Sustainable Solutions for the Roma Community were also present at this meeting

BiH: O NGO sektori havljarela - Bajrarkerdo o mangipe devlenge, o čhave parvaren e jerien

O NGO sektori ko BiH notirinela baro nivelo mangipa devlenge ko droma ko agorutne masekoa. O phare faktoria dživdipaske dopherdo tari i pandemia thaj šeitni karana si o nanipa proektia so ka deb suporto e Romenge ko sakodiveseskoro dživdipa kaskiri realizacia sine čhinavdi sebepi i virusi. Akava notirinela em o Samed Osmanović tari romani asociacia bašo dživdipa O Osmanović vakerela kaj ko agorutno berš thaj masekoa na sine proektia so ka den suporto e Romen.

-O mangipa devlenge si namukhlo e kanonea kana kerel pe lafi e čhavenge ama akana si panda majbare. Na salde i pandemia ola mangena devlenge soske ni jeh na legarel sevđa Jekh vati i buti sine but pošukare a ama akana ni jekh na dela suporto em odoleske o mangipa devlenge ko droma si bajrardo.



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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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