NGO Projects

Nish: It is uncertain building houses for Roma because of a rebalance

The Nis town coffers are minus over 300,000 euros and the rebalance was made because of the cancellation of Roma houses at the Commodity Market and the 2019 Fortress wall is uncertain.

The rebalance was adopted by the city council of Nis and the budget of the city of Nis is around 5 milion euros. The council says the cash register is minus more than 300,000 euros.

In addition to the higher budget items, there were some cuts. The Office of Local Economic Development had the largest reduction and the cancellation of house-building projects for Roma was canceled.

They say they were asked to reduce the city's budget for this year and cut it by about 150,000 euros.

Introducing the “Roma Stories” Oral History Project

“Roma Stories” is the Roma Support Group’s Roma Oral History Project. It is supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund and works with Roma researchers, local community members, London Metropolitan Archives, museums and academic institutions to explore, archive and share the unrecorded stories of Roma refugees and migrants in London.

With the Roma Stories project extended until late September, the various facets of the oral history research and archiving are coming together towards an affecting and evocative end result.

Over the past six months, we have finished conducting a second round of interviews with around forty members of the Roma community of London; we have translated and transcribed the majority of these and are now in the process of proof-reading, compiling documentary footage and preparing for the exhibition of the work in locations across the city, from the London Metropolitan Archives to Redbridge Museum and University of London.


NRC: Days of counseling and information sharing in Roma settlements

The project team in cooperation with the field assistants held days of counseling and sharing of information regarding the legalization procedure in the Roma settlements in the municipalities of Kocani, Veles and Kichevo.

The meetings were organized within the project “Supporting Legalization of Roma Housing” aimed at informing the Roma citizens about the importance of the process and the procedure for legalization, as well as to present the project and the possibility of obtaining free legal aid in the procedure for legalization.

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union.

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Association National Roma Centrum (NRC), Kumanovo and partner organizations Association Simbiozis 12 Kumanovo and Association ORM Bela Kula Kicevo, and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

ZRDICM sends a Request for a short documentary film

ZRDICM-Association Roma Business Information Center of Macedonia in the framework of the project "Mapping the Differences of the Roma Gambling" funded by the European Union is a sub-grant for the project "Support for legalization of Roma housing" within the IPA Program for Civil Society Support sends a Request for a 30-minute documentary on gaps in Roma settlements for legalization of homes in Kumanovo, Kicevo, Kocani, Shtip, Veles, Skopje-Topaana and Prilep.

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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

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