NGO Projects

It’s Kushti to Rokker is British Romani for It’s Good to Talk

Travellers’ Times and Rural Media launch new films exploring health and wellbeing from the perspectives of young Travellers.

Young Romani and Travellers raise their voices to bring issues facing young people in their communities into the public eye.

They share their personal stories and experiences to inspire and co-create five short dramas aimed at breaking down the stigma that surrounds speaking out about mental health. 

The films are part of a national resource for schools and mental health charities designed to highlight some of the challenges that these young people experience inside and outside of school.

The screenings will be followed by a post show discussion.

Promotion of the Documentary and the Analysis for “Mapping the Roma Housing Differences in the Municipalities of Kocani and Stip"

As part of the EU-funded project "Mapping the Differences in Roma Housing" the promotion of the documentary film as well as the analysis made.

The start of the promotion was from the municipalities of Kocani and Stip.

In both municipalities the interest was high. Members of the local self-government, public enterprises as well as the Roma NGO sector and ordinary Roma citizens living in Roma settlements in both Kocani and Stip also had their presence.

After the promotion of the documentary and the analysis, discussions were also made on the topics, where all parties pointed to another priority of the municipality itself and future plans.

The promotion continues with the following municipalities of Veles and Kumanovo.

In Kicevo, the cooperation between the municipality and the Roma NGO is satisfactory, but it can be better

According to the Roma NGO sector in the municipality of Kicevo about 2,000 Roma live. Places where they live according to information from Roma NGO activists Nevzat Mamudovski and Senat Ibraimovski from Roma Network NGO - Kicevo, depending on plans and programs, Regarding the infrastructure in Roma settlements
in the municipality of Kicevo it can be concluded that it is relatively good.

Otherwise the legalization of illegally constructed buildings is ongoing and no major problems have been reported. In addition, legalization is expected to take place at an increasing pace.

One of the problems Roma are facing with legalization is that they have multiple owners, and they cannot obtain statements from the owners.

But the Roma themselves say they face different problems or disadvantages. There is no asphalt in Prilepska Street, water shortages, and some houses lack electricity.

The conclusion is that the municipality can have greater coordination with this population in resolving any problems that arise.

Roma in Montenegro demand greater security and better integration

Two Roma NGOs in Montenegro have recently turned to the public for help.
"Roma Movement" NGO through spokesperson Rozana Bozovic and NGO "Roma from the North" headed by Zinat Selimovic have warned that the glass is overflowing in connection with a traffic accident where a ten-year-old Roma girl from the Bjelopolje neighborhood was injured.

According to them, this unfortunate incident where the girl sustained injuries, awakened memories of the numerous highways on the highway that pass through this neighborhood and that there was a great danger, which caused more accidents, and some unfortunately ended in fatalities.

"The danger is not only to many children but also to the adults living along this highway" - warn Bozovic and Selimovic.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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