
In these elections, New Alternative is performing with its postulates based on justice, equity and prosperity

In this year's parliamentary political elections, the New Alternative party, for the first time, independently participates with new energy, new people and as a new option where it calls on citizens who believe that by fighting corruption and crime and at the same time as they say: "Together we will ensure a better future, to vote for number 9. Among other things, Nova Altermativa say:

- All together, with one idea - justice for Macedonia, let's unite and fight for equal opportunities, for economic prosperity. Together, let's provide a legal state in which there will be no privileged and everyone will be equal before the laws.

- Macedonia should be a country that will be on the side of all of us - the citizens, a country where order will reign.

New Alternative has five postulates on which all the rest of their program objectives are based, and the basis of which are justice, equity and prosperity. They are confident that by suppressing corruption, all other program projects will simply be implemented, bearing in mind that at this moment crime, corruption, the lack of the rule of law and legal certainty are one of the biggest challenges that our society and Macedonia were facing. .

Otherwise, in these elections, Gege Demirovski, who is second on the list from IE 3, is also a candidate from the Roma community for the list of deputies.

Otherwise, New Alternative as holders in the Electoral Units ran in four IEs.

In IE 1, the president is Danela Arsovska, in IE 2 - Dragan Mitkovski, IE 3 - Irena Vitina and in IE 4 - Ana Tsambuleva.

North Macedonia - Presidential elections - SEC: Stevo Pendarovski 180,306, Gordana Siljanovska Davkova 362,682

The results that the State Election Commission published this morning on its website show that out of almost 100 percent of the ballots processed, the VMRO-DPMNE candidate Gordana Siljanovska Davkova won the most votes in yesterday's presidential elections, 362,682 or (40.08%), with a double advantage over Stevo Pendarovski from SDSM who won 180,306 or 19.93% of the votes, Bujar Osmani is in third place with 120,903 or 13.36% of the votes. She locates the refreshment of the political scene in the results of the ZNAM party, whose candidate Maksim Dimitrievski won 83,787 votes (9.26%), and if he repeats his success in the parliamentary elections - he will firmly establish himself on the political scene.

The small number of Left voters is surprising (41,172 or 4.55% ), which is an indication that the citizens do not demand a complete revision of the previous policies and the search for new directions.

The result of the GROM candidate, Stevco Jakimovski, who won 8,103 votes (0.90%), even though he previously secured over 10,000 signatures to run, also caused many comments.

North Macedonia: A total of 1,814,317 voters are registered in the electoral roll with the right to vote in these elections

Today, 2,569 voters will be able to exercise their right to vote in 31 polling stations in DCP where they registered to vote, and whose applications have been accepted by the State Election Commission.

Today, 2,147 voters will be able to exercise their right to vote at the polling stations in 14 penitentiary institutions. All polling stations in the penitentiary opened at 7:00 this morning and voting there will continue until 7:00 p.m.

Up to this point, the voting is going on without any problems.

During today's day, 2 voters who identify themselves as internally displaced will be able to exercise their right to vote in the only center for internally displaced persons.

During today's day, the election boards in the Republic of North Macedonia will conduct the voting of persons who are sick or infirm, and they have submitted notifications with appropriate documentation to the municipal election commissions. 6,935 citizens who registered as sick or infirm will exercise their right to vote in their homes.

Today, 534 voters who are placed in 20 out-of-family care centers will have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote in the center where they are placed.

There is a marked interest in observing these elections by domestic, foreign and international organizations and media.

The State Election Commission has so far issued observation accreditations to 342 domestic, 517 foreign and international observers, 51 translators and 32 foreign journalists.

The website of the SEC www.sec.mk, as well as the pages of the social networks Facebook, X, Instagram and the YouTube channel are available to all citizens, where they will be able to find timely and accurate information related to the elections.

On occasion April 8 meeting of the Mayor of the City of Skopje Danela Arsovska and a delegation of the IRU led by the President Zoran Dimov and the delegate Lucika Tudor

The Mayor of the City of Skopje, Danela Arsovska, on the occasion of April 8, the International Day of the Roma, as the patron of the 12th Congress of the International Roma Union, with great respect addressed the participants from over 30 countries of the world, on behalf of the City of Skopje. congratulations on the holiday and the 53rd anniversary of the First Roma Congress.

Throughout the year, through continuous activities, we demonstrate joint efforts to deal with challenges and act for the needs of the Roma community, as well as all other citizens. Today's day and its celebration symbolizes our respect for the Roma community, which is a significant part of our society. That's why we celebrate diversity and only with joint work and respect can we achieve greater progress for all citizens. Dear representatives of the Roma community in Macedonia, dear friends, I congratulate you on today's holiday", said Mayor Arsovska.

Lucika Tudor, the Roma Queen delegate to the Congress, visited the City of Skopje and as a reflection of her gratitude for the cooperation, she pointed out that she is happy that there are institutions that support and recognize the unique Roma culture. Within the framework of the Congress, as part of the program, the 22nd international Roma film festival "Golden Wheel 2024" is held, where awards are given for the most successful film productions. Only by showing respect to all our citizens, we build our Macedonia as a state in which diversity and human dignity are respected and we aim for a solidary and just state for all of us.

Link: https://skopje.gov.mk/mk/vesti/2019/megunaroden-den-na-romite-2024/



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