
Republic of North Macedonia: Presidential elections on April 24th, parliamentary elections on May 8th: These are the election deadlines and rules

The presidential elections in the country will be held on April 24, and the possible second round will be on May 8, together with the parliamentary elections. The President of the Parliament, Jovan Mitreski, announced yesterday the seventh presidential and the 11th parliamentary elections, which are being held this year in the regular term.

According to the Constitution, the president is elected for a period of five years. The same person can be elected as President of the Republic a maximum of twice. The president must be a citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia.

The candidate who received the majority of votes from the total number of voters registered in the electoral roll will be elected as president. If in the first round no presidential candidate received the required majority of votes, in the second round voting is held for two candidates who received the most votes in the first round. The second round of voting takes place within 14 days of the end of the first round. The candidate who received the majority of votes from the voters who voted, if more than 40% of the voters voted, is elected president. If none of the candidates received the required majority of votes in the second round of voting, the entire election procedure is repeated.

The eleventh parliamentary elections since independence will be held on May 8. 120 or 123 deputies are elected in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. One hundred and twenty MPs are elected according to the proportional model, whereby the territory of the country is divided into six electoral units determined by the Electoral Code and 20 MPs are elected in each. Three members of parliament are elected according to the proportional model in a constituency covering Europe, Africa, North and South America, Australia and Asia.

Characteristic of the 2024 elections will be that they will be held on a Wednesday, and voter identification will again be done with fingerprint devices.

As a preparation for holding the parliamentary elections, on January 28 of this year, 100 days before the elections, the technical government was formed, whose president is Talat Xhaferi. He will manage it until the election of a new political government.

A famous anecdote from the insightful Mahatma Gandhi

When Mahatma Gandhi was studying law at a college in London, he had a professor named Peters who felt enmity towards Mahatma Gandhi. But Gandhi never bowed his head to his bad comments which were very frequent.

One day, Mr. Peters was having lunch in the University dining hall and Gandhi came with his cutlery and sat next to the professor. The professor in his arrogance said:

"Mr. Gandhi, you do not understand, a pig and a bird do not sit together to eat." '', to which Gandhi replied, not to worry and that he would fly away, so he went and sat at another table.

Mr. Peters, green with rage, decides to take revenge in the next test, but Gandhi reacts brilliantly. Then Mr. Peters asks him the following question:

"Mr. Gandhi, if you were walking down the street and found a package containing a bag of wisdom and a bag of money, what would you take from it?" "

Without hesitation, Gandhi replied:

"A bundle of money, of course." "

Mr. Peters smiled and said:

"I'd rather take that sack of wisdom."

"Every man takes what he does not have. '' Gandhi replied indifferently.

Mr. Peters, already hysterical, writes the word "idiot" on Gandhi's exam list and gives it to Gandhi who takes the exam and sits down. A few minutes later, Gandhi went to the professor and said:

"Mr. Peters, you signed the test, but you didn't grade me."...

New list of the most powerful passports for 2023: How does Macedonia rank?

The Passport Index website ranks the passports of 96 countries in the world. The United Arab Emirates is in first place in 2023, while the second place on the list is shared by as many as five countries. Macedonia is in 36th place, which is a drop of five positions compared to last year, although the number of countries where Macedonians can travel without visas remains at 130. Of the countries in the region, Slovenia is ranked best with its passport in an excellent seventh place.

Despite the mobility gap, nearly every country's passports got stronger this year, according to the latest Passport Index report.

Of the countries in the region, the Croatian passport is in eighth place, Serbia in 32nd as countries whose citizens can travel to 137 countries without a visa, and Montenegro in 37th place. The passport of Bosnia and Herzegovina is in 44th place.

The Passport Index describes the UK as one of the 'losers' in 2023. Although the UK has seen its global mobility score rise, this upward trend has been slowed by the country's post-Brexit struggle to reach visa deals with EU member states. However, the UK still has visa-free access to 175 countries.

At the very bottom is Afghanistan, whose citizens can travel to only 39 countries in the world without the prior issuance of a visa. Besides Afghanistan, at the bottom are Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq and Bangladesh.

Link: https://www.passportindex.org/byRank.php




Who protects the rights of Roma in the Parliament of FBiH?

No one is talking about changes that would go in the direction of real protection of national minorities. This can be achieved relatively easily, for example, by introducing an obligation for a maximum number of minority members in this club or by introducing a minimum number for certain minorities.

Despite the fact that High Representative Christian Schmidt recently increased the number of delegates in the House of Peoples of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Roma will still not be represented in this body.

The House of Peoples is the most important body in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the protection of national interests, both of the three constituent nations and of national minorities.

Even so, the rights of Roma as the largest national minority will not be protected through this House, simply because there will be no Roma in it again, although there is a Club of "Others".


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