
The Roma in Bujanovac have won two mandates, and expect a third mandate

In the local elections that were held yesterday in Bujanovac, the Justice and Reconciliation Party, which is led by the Roma in this city, won 1,100 votes or two councilors of the local assembly. The electoral list was headed by the president of the GrO, Adem Salihi. According to the information obtained from the SPP BIUjanovac party, it is very likely that this list will get a third mandate.

The Bujanovac Roma have been participating in local elections independently for several election cycles and constantly have defenders in the local parliament. In the last convocation, they had two representatives.

Link: https://rominfomedia.rs/2024/06/03/romi-u-bujanovcu-osvojili-dva-mandata-ocekuju-i-treci-mandat/


The US is flirting with neo-Nazis, reads the Kremlin's reaction to Azov's permission to use American weapons

The Kremlin has negatively evaluated the lifting of the ban by the US authorities on the delivery of weapons to the Ukrainian Azov Battalion* (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation), said the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

Describing "Azov", Peskov emphasized that "these are ultra-nationalist armed units". He emphasized that "it once again confirms the correctness of Moscow's concern regarding the trend of the spread of neo-Nazi ideas in the world".

The Washington Post, citing State Department sources, reported that the administration of US President Joseph Biden will allow the Ukrainian Azov National Battalion* to use American weapons. The volunteer battalion "Azov" was formed in 2014 and since then it has been fighting on the side of the armed forces of Ukraine.

Azov fighters participated in the battles for Mariupol in the spring of 2022. After the surrender in May, in September of the same year, 215 "Azovs" were exchanged for 55 Russian soldiers and Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk.

Link: https://www.slobodenpecat.mk/sad-flertuvaat-so-neonacistite-glasi-reakcijata-na-kremlj-za-dozvolata-na-azov-da-koristi-amerikansko-oruzhje/



Historic decline: For the first time since 2004, the European Parliament has no Romani representatives

We Roma have lost the little bit of representation we had in the European Parliament (EP). For the first time since 2004, when the EU underwent extensive enlargement, there are no Romani elected representatives in that legislature. We had several candidates running in various countries. In the Czech Republic, David Beňák ran for the ANO movement, Ivana Batthyány for The Left (Levice) and Jaroslav Miko for the Mayors and Independents. In Slovakia, Peter Pollák sought re-election and Dominik Lakatoš ran for the Volt party. Hungary ran Bogdán Csaba with the Tisza movement.

In Bulgaria, Vanya Grigorova ran, and in Belgium, Dejan Stankovic Kralj ran for the CD&V. None of these Romani candidates were elected.

The one who came closest was Bogdán Csaba, who ran in eighth place and whose party won just seven seats. It is, however, possible that the leader of the Tisza candidate list will decline to be seated, which would mean Csaba would then be seated instead.

Overall, the outcome is not good news – Europe is heading to the right.

We shall see what is in store for us, but it’s already clear that in the EU, the governance does not reflect the reality of the diversity and minority representation which should be Europe’s heritage. Unfortunately, we are also seeing that it is necessary to do even more to mobilize Romani people.

Romani MEPs

2024 - not elected

2019 – 2024
Romeo Franz (Germany), Peter Pollák (Slovensko), Lívia Járóka (Hungary), Patricia Caro Maya (Spain as of 2024)

2014 – 2019
Damian Draghici (Romania), Soraya Post (Sweden), Lívia Járóka (Vice President of the EP until November 2017),  Romeo Franz (Germany as of 2018)

2009 – 2014
Lívia Járóka (Hungary)

2004 – 2009
Lívia Járóka (Hungary), Viktória Mohácsi (Hungary)

1986 – 1999
Juan de Dios Ramírez Heredia (Spain)

Link: https://romea.cz/en/opinion/historic-decline-for-the-first-time-since-2004-the-european-parliament-has-no-romani-representatives





The parliamentary seat is comfortable: the MPs who will take appanage will cost the state treasury more than 600,000 euros

These days, information came out in the news that the Parliamentary Commission on Elections and Appointments has, until now, approved at least 29 MPs from the previous parliamentary composition to take appanage for a period of one year, which is equal to the salary of the MPs, and it pays the same The Assembly.

Only the appanages of former MPs confirmed so far will cost the state treasury more than 600,000 euros. It is said so far because the deadline for submitting requests for appanage lasts until June 28, and a total of 57 MPs from the previous composition have the right to apply.

In addition to the enormously high salaries, allowances for travel expenses, the buffet that serves at purchase prices and many other privileges, the right to appanage is another proof that MPs are the most privileged workers in the country. In contrast to them, the ordinary worker barely makes ends meet and the few rights guaranteed to him by law are not respected.

As early as 2022, the Left party submitted a law to abolish appanage for elected and appointed officials as well as a proposal for a law to introduce appanage for workers. Both laws were expressly rejected by the majority of political parties, including SDSM, VMRO DPMNE, DUI and others.

Otherwise, the appanage s almost as much as an MP's salary, which is close to 1,000 euros.

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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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