
When the Roma in Serbia are mentioned for the first time

The first news about Roma in Serbia comes from the reign of King Dušan in 1331. - 1355. under whose rule were Macedonia, Epirus, Thessaly and Albania. Data from the oldest Turkish census from 1491. The years show that Roma lived in Prizren, Niš, Kruševac, Smedere Roma arrived in large numbers in South Slavic countries during the rule of the Turks. They mainly belonged to Christianity, but under the rule of the Turks they embraced Islam en masse. Only with the Sretensky Constitution of 1835. years equals the position of the Roma with other citizens of Serbia. According to the 1834 census. there are 18,000 Roma in Serbia, and in later lists their number was reduced because they did not declare themselves or were listed as Serbs. This mostly happened during the baptism of the Roma. For example, in the period from 1892. since 1895. 2223 Roma residents were baptized in Timochka Diocese. In the Kingdom of Serbia 1895. in the year there were 42,212 Roma. Out of the total number of Roma, slightly more than 25,000 declared that they used Serbian as their mother tongue, around 11,000 Romanian and just under 600 Turkish. This is clearly the result of the process of assimilation and ethnic

Hans Lieten: The German lawyer who opposed fascism and Nazism

A lawyer with a brilliant intellect, a man with a strong sense of justice, a fierce opponent of Nazism and fascism, an intellectual who spoke several European languages, a lover of classical music and Rilke's poetry, this is how historians describe Hans Litten, a well-known lawyer who virtuously defended the rights of citizens and workers, fighting the battle against Nazism in the courtroom, where he managed to personally humiliate Hitler with his arguments.

Hans Lieten was born in 1903 in Halle to Irmgard and Friedrich Litten. He inherited his love of law from his father Friedrich Lieten, a prominent German lawyer and respected professor, dean and rector of the University of K Кnigsberg, where he taught Roman and civil law.

Litten's biographers write that his mother aroused in him an interest in art, but also a sense of justice and fairness. Raised in such a spirit, Litten rejected social opportunism during his youth and, along with his friend the writer Max First, embraced revolutionary and socialist ideas.

Although he initially wanted to study art history, he soon realized that through law, especially in the field of justice, he could practically dedicate himself to defending the rights of citizens and workers.



Romani people in Bulgaria

Bulgarian: ципани [tsiɡɐni] , Roma [rɔmi] ) in Bulgaria represent the densest Roma minority in Europe. The Roma people in Bulgaria "speak Bulgarian, Turkish or Roma, depending on the region and their religious affiliation". 

According to the last census in 2011, the number of Roma is 825,343, which represents 4.4% of the total population, of which only one ethnic group can be chosen as an answer, and 10% of the total population did not answer the question about ethnic group. In a final census report sent to Eurostat , the authors of the census ( National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria ) described the results of the census of ethnicity as "gross manipulation". The former head of the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria , Reneta Indjovaclaims to have been fired by the Bulgarian Prime Minister in 2014 for trying to verify the actual number of Roma, and it goes without saying that neither the census counted the Roma nor did his statistics provide "real data". 

Northern Macedonia: New price shock, from July 1 more expensive electricity by 7.4% for the three block tariffs

The calculations of the Energy Regulatory Commission are that if the new system of block tariffs was not introduced, the price of electricity would have increased by more than 17 percent.

Electricity on Friday increased by an average of 7.4% for the three block tariffs. For the fourth block in which the largest consumers are, there will be the largest increase in the price of electricity, which will range from 11.4% to almost 100 percent for those who consume enormous electricity. This means that the average price of electricity for 98.8 percent of households will increase by 7.4 percent. "The calculations of the Energy Regulatory Commission are that if the new system of block tariffs was not introduced, electricity would have risen by 17.74%," said the head of the regulatory body, Marko Bislimoski.

Today, the Energy Regulatory Commission held a preparatory session, after which it officially announced how much the electricity will be more expensive from July 1, depending on the offered tariffs of EVN Home, AD ESM, AD MEPSO, MEMO and Elektrodistribucija.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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