
Rada Modic breaks down prejudices and succeeds in the "male world"

Rada Modic is 26 years old and is one of the few women who love football, and has been actively involved in this sport since she was fifteen. He tried his hand on the field, he was a referee, he is currently a delegate of the Premier League, and he hopes that he will soon become the coach of UEFA.

She participated in tournaments with the boys in elementary school, not even imagining that it would lead her to the job she is doing now. When she enrolled in the high school in Banja Luka, she had the opportunity to play football in a women's club for the first time, so she spent the next three years in the women's football club "Borac".

Rada is also one of the initiators for the formation of the women's football section in Prnjavor, which has existed since last year and which has about 20 girls who break all prejudices that football is a "male sport" and advocate for women in sports. And as a future coach of UEFA, she advises girls who have similar affinities to persevere in their desires because only persistent people reach the goal.

Besides football, which is her great love, Rada is the mother of a four-year-old girl Maria, she is a veterinary technician by profession and is not employed in the profession. In addition to football, in his spare time he helps his wife Dejan take care of their flock of sheep.

"I would like my child to do any sport one day."



Ukraine’s Roma refugees recount discrimination en route to safety

Hundreds of Ukraine’s Roma people face an uncertain future in Moldova’s capital Chisinau as many are not documented.

Cristina, 41, is one of them. She lost everything she owned after Russia bombed her house in Ukraine’s eastern city of Kharkiv.

“Kharkiv is like my palm now. People’s houses and the city centre are destroyed, there’s absolutely nothing left,” she told Al Jazeera.

As bombs were destroying the only home she ever had, all she could do was grab her children and leave. Now, she sits in the middle of the running track, with no documents or clue about her next steps.

“If a bomb falls on your house and you hear a tank shooting, what will you grab first, documents or your children,” she asked.

Cristina travelled from Kharkiv to Lviv, then to the Moldovan border. But there, she said, she spent four days in the cold waiting to enter Moldova, without any food or water.

Once they found shelter, she and other Roma were chased out of their tents by the Ukrainian border authorities.

Cristina is one of an estimated 400,000 Ukraine’s Roma people who, besides the trauma of war, have to cope with discrimination along their evacuation route out of Ukraine.



In Macedonia, a family of 4 members needs almost 600 euros or 2 average Macedonian salaries of 300 euros to survive the month

The minimum union basket for February is 36,146 denars (500 euros) and is higher by 335 denars - 5 euros compared to January 2022. Of these, 15,440.48 denars go for food and drinks - 250 euros or 42.72 percent, and 11,511.6 denars - 190 euros or 31.85 percent are needed for housing.

For the hygiene of a family of four in February this year, according to the union basket, he needed 2,453.63 denars - 60 euros or 6.79 percent, for transportation 2,766.32, - 65 euros or 7.65 percent and for clothes and shoes 2,156.61 denar - 30 euros, or 5.97 percent. For culture, the family should have allocated 1,067.86 denars - 15 euros, or 2.95 percent, and for health maintenance 749.07 denars - 12 euros or 2.07 percent of the total amount of the minimum union basket.

Juan de Dios Ramirez-Heredia - Lawyer and journalist; The first six qualities of my existence are random

First, I'm European, but I could also be African or Asian if I was born on one of those continents.

Secondly, I am Spanish, but I would be French, Russian or Argentine if my mother gave birth to me in France, Russia or Argentina.

Third, I'm Andalusian, but why not a Catalan, a Galician or an Extremadura? It all consists of a birth certificate provided by the registry.

Fourth, I am from C Каdiz - how happy I am to have opened my eyes to the country that gave birth to Spain's first democratic and liberal Constitution - but I could equally be from Alcal бидејќи because it is the country where the author of Don Quixote.

Fifth, I am a Christian by tradition and because I believe that the key to respect and love among people lies in the Gospel. But he can also be a Buddhist or simply an atheist.

Sixth, I am a socialist because I believe that socialism is the one that can best fulfill the fulfillment of the ideals of justice, freedom, solidarity and respect that all human beings owe to one another. But instead, I could have been a conservative or a communist.

However, what remains unchanged, what I myself could not change because it is part of my personal and non-transferable entity is my status as a Roma. For that reason:

First: Although I could be European, American or Asian, I would always be Roma.

Second: Regardless of my nationality, I will always be Roma.

Third: No matter in which region of the world I was born, I will always be Roma

Fourth: My homeland is what it is, but it can be any other. However, I will always be Roma.

Fifth: I can be a Christian, or a Muslim, or a Buddhist or an atheist, I will always be a Roma.

Sixth: Being a socialist, a liberal, a conservative, from the left or the right, does not always prevent me from being a Roma.

Everything that has been said so far is true, it is temporary and changeable

What will never change are my centuries-old Roma roots.

Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia

Lawyer and journalist

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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