Raducanu Gheorghe has been selected as a special consultant - advisor, for political systems of the IRU

Within the congress activities of the IRU which were held in Skopje, North Macedonia and in the election of the new presidency and leadership of the IRU, in the presence of over 60 delegates of the IRU from 50 countries in the world, Mr. Raducanu Gheorghe from Romania, as a consultant -  advisor for political systems in the International Roma Union - IRU.

He will lead this position in the following years, and his choice was due to the fact that Raducanu was recognized as an excellent Roma leader who has been fighting for the rights of the Roma from Romania and for the rights of the Roma at the international level for many years.

He is an excellent connoisseur of political activities, because in fact he is the founder of one of the strongest and most respected Roma political parties in Romania, Asociatia Patrida Romilor "Pro Europa".

Mr. Raducanu Gheorghe is actually the founder of this party, which was founded 34 years ago on April 3, 1990.

This means that Raducanu as an active and top politician has been present for more than 3 decades and his experience and actions are enormous, therefore his experience, his skill and doctrine of political action together with the IRU can contribute to the greater dignity of the Roma nation at the level of international political character.

Mr. Raducanu has shown and proven this many times as a top politician.

The 12th IRU Congress has started in Skopje, North Macedonia

As it was announced today, the 12th IRU Conference started in Skopje, North Macedonia, the main panel discussions and the election of the IRU Presidency are happening today (April 4) and tomorrow, April 5. But the activities started yesterday, where the IRU delegates were received in the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia by MP Ljatifa Šikovska and had an excellent debate in the parliament.

Today, at the start of the IRU Congress, MEP Livia Jaroca gave her introductory greetings via video call, and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres also sent his congratulations in writing.

Danela Arsovska, the mayor of the city of Skopje, as well as the delegate from Norway Tore Jarl Bielenberg, who is also one of the participants of the First Roma Congress in 1971 in London, also had their welcoming speeches. He and Verandra Rishi from India were declared honorary IRUs. presidents.

Within the framework of the IRU Congress, panel discussions were also held on the following topics: Topic: "Young Roma and global policies in the EU" Moderator: Nadir Redzepi, "Roma Investment Fund" - Roma Business Forum Moderator: Mr. Natasha Amdiu, The Future of the Roma community in Europe and the world. About the rights of marginalized communities in crisis regions. Moderator: Stefano Kužicov, Vice President of IRU, Fight against structural discrimination, anti-Gypsyism and respect for human rights and the rights of Roma women Moderator: Mr. Admir Ismanovski and on April 5, a panel discussion on culture, language, tradition and religion will be held at Roma Moderator: Sumi Yusuke, delegate of IRU, Japan and Tribune "The role of Roma media and productions in the creation of film projects with Roma themes". Also on April 5 is the election of the new IRU leadership with a mandate of four years.


At the 12th IRU Congress the main slogan is: "New beginning, New voice, New vision - Today's youth for a brighter tomorrow"

At the 12th Congress of the IRU, which will be held from April 3 to 6, 2024, among other things, the focus will be on Young Roma.

In that context, the International Roma Union IRU encourages and motivates young and progressive Roma to approach IRU. That's why the IRU slogan for the 12th Congress is "New Beginning, New Voice, New Vision - Today's Youth for a Brighter Tomorrow"

Otherwise, the IRU, with its activity from the very beginning of its operation 53 years ago until now, is directed in its activity to protect the Roma around the world from all negative phenomena in all forms of discrimination, hate speech, segregation, intolerance, violence and genocide. We respect basic human rights, equality between all genders, creating a favorable climate, basic democratic principles of freedom and standard of living. We are in cooperation with international institutions that are committed to their mission.

The presence of over 60 delegates from over 40 countries of the entire world is expected, as well as guest representatives from various countries in the capacity of members of the European Parliament, national members, etc.

IRU campaign:



Everything is ready for the 12th IRU Congress, which will be held on April 4 and 5 in Skopje

For the regular 12th IRU Congress, everything is ready. Yesterday and today the delegates and guests of IRU who will be part of this Congress arrived through the international airport in Skopje. The number of IRU members and guests present is expected to be around 100 from over 55 countries around the world. The main activities related to the Congress will be on April 4 and 5, with the organization of several panel discussions and the participation of a large number of panelists. Also on the last day of the Congress will be the election of the new leadership of the IRU, such as the President and other positions in the IRU.

A significant number of high-ranking European and other officials will be part of the IRU Congress, while some will be involved via ZOOM or by already sending their video messages to all the guests present. Some of the guests will be our national officials, as well as part of the diplomatic corps in our country.

Within the framework of the 12th IRU Congress, a cultural program will be organized, and at the same time, on April 4, the closing ceremony of the 22nd Film Festival "Golden Wheel 2024" and the announcement of the best films will take place in the MKC.

On Mother Language Day: A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski" from Skopje and IRU, for the protection and study of the Romani language

As part of the celebration of February 21 - International Mother Language Day, on February 20, 2024, the Faculty of Philology "Blaje Koneski" - Skopje, part of the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" through its dean Prof. Dr. Vladimir Martinovski and the International Roma Union - IRU, represented by its president Zoran Dimov, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, the purpose of which is to establish and build open business cooperation between the Faculty and the Union and determine the forms and methods of mutual cooperation with the aim of mutual support and contribution to the performance of the activities of the contracting parties, assistance and support to the teaching staff in the realization of the teaching of the Romani language and intensification of the development of the teaching and study of the Romani language in the Republic of North Macedonia. Thanks to this agreement, students from the Faculty will be able to train through translation activities related to the preparation of the XII Congress of the International Roma Union - IRU, which will be held in Skopje from April 3 to 6, 2024.

Also, through this memorandum, a new page is opened and an update on the opening of the Department for the study of Romkit language and culture for future students


"IRU Forever" is the motto that will guide the 12th Congress of IRU

On the eve of the celebration of International Roma Day on April 8, the preparations and finalization of the activities of the IRU are underway, which is organizing its 12th Congress and will be held from April 3 to 6 in Skopje, with more panel discussions and cultural programs.

According to the announcements, about 60 IRU delegates from over 50 countries and over 30 other high-ranking guests, Roma MPs and officials from many European countries, are expected.

Otherwise, all panel discussions will be debated, but the biggest target will be focused on the young new progressive force of the IRU. The idea is that IRU with new young intellectual Roma will be the future of the Roma movement in the world. That is why the IRU slogan for the 12th Congress is "IRU forever".

The Preamble of the Statute of the IRU expresses the common goals and ideas of the Roma Nation, whose representatives actually represent it, and that is why the International Roma Union - IRU was formed. As representatives of the Roma people, they make efforts to protect the Roma population and future generations from all the negative phenomena that the Roma people faced in the past, in the present and in the future, in all forms of discrimination, hate speech, segregation, intolerance, violence, genocide, and we are also deeply confident in respecting fundamental human rights, equality between all sexes, creating a favorable climate for respect for rights, respect for the basic democratic principles of freedom, and the standard of living, as well as the elimination of all irregularities, in cooperation with international institutions that are in charge of it. The mission as well as the goal are the following commitments:

To expand the horizons for the preservation of Roma culture, tradition, customs and language

Respect for basic human rights and freedoms, and respect for all obligations that come with signing all international agreements

To maintain peace and stability in the world

Developing friendly relations between peoples based on respect, and equal rights between peoples

Cooperation to solve problems from an economic, social, cultural and human aspect regarding the Roma

To strengthen support for equal rights, fundamental freedoms, regardless of color, race, sex, language and religion


FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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